Unicorns and Dragons
Read ME.... In case you can't read Angela Stanford, my RD sent me the following message: "Saw you new socks on the blog. You have passion and ferocity like Jaws! 🦈 It's what helps you move through obstacles and carry on with perseverance I admire. Have a fantastic day! 💪" All I could answer back with was "This is the coolest things I've heard in a long time 💛💛" because it was and it is. Of course what I meant to say was "This is one of the coolest things I've heard in a long time 💛💛". However typos and missed words is one of the charms of reading Billy b. I am a train wreck when it comes to grammar. This message meant the world to me. It made me feel so much pride. When I stop and think about it I am like Jaws. I do attack things with passion and ferocity. I don't think I would every say that on my own. I don't think of myself that way. Sometimes, you get things and hear things when you need to. ...