duunnn dunnn… duuuunnnn duun… duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn dunnnn

Just when you thought it was safe to get your mail....

duunnn dunnn… duuuunnnn duun… duuunnnnnnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn dunnnn... The socks are awesome!  Aren't they cool?  I love them.  Thank you very much Angela Stanford.  It’s really an awesome way of wishing me a healthy recovery!  For those of you who don't know, Angela is my dietician and has been instrumental in my success so far getting my life bak on the healthy side.  I am sure the socks will get plenty of comments when I get back out on the bike. 

Yesterday was a great day.  Very relaxing day.  How can it not be when you day consists of two episodes of Justice League Unlimited, two episodes of Star Wars Rebels, and a few Family Guy episodes.  Then we capped it off with Batman Forever.  I loved Val Kilmer as Batman.  The movie held up ok.  I have always had issues with the Joel Schumacher's take on the Gotham Bat.  It is a little too campy for me.  I think they ruined Harvey Two Face as well, however, if you put this things to the side, it is entertaining theater for a few hours.  It's not like Batman and Robin where you just want the thing to end, or someone to shoot you to put you out of your misery.  While, I could sit here and say they try to hard to make all super hero villains Jack's Joker from Batman 89, I will just instead say, it was a nice watch, I was entertained and forgot about things for a while.

Recovery continues to move forward. I still have an incredible pain in my rear, but that will remain for a while and we just have to live with it. Interestingly enough, I did miss my 1 a.m. pain pill alarm.  I either didn't turn it on.  I slept through it, or something else entirely happened. I woke up this a.m. in a little bit more pain than expected in the back side.  Also, I was groggy as can be.  I felt almost hung over.  I guess I have been on a steady regiment of pain medication for four days now.  So, perhaps, I was just coming down?  Who knows.  I do think with only a few pills left, I will start to ween myself off of them.  I still have a few other meds for pain but the painkillers, I think we can cut back on and put in some Tylenol for the pain.  Then keep the Oxi for when needed.  Sounds like a good plan to me.  Plus the Tylenol seems to calm down the back side better than anything else.  Well that and warm baths.  

Overall the stomach area is feeling good.  The wounds look to be healing nicely.  The bruising is starting to go away.  Make me wonder what in the fuck they were doing in one of the entry points.  I have a huge bruise, purple, and yellow.  They must have really jammed their way in there. 

I have taken two walks now.  Feels good being out there walking.  Clayton walked Kona today for me, so I could take her with me.  It is nice to be out there with my little lady.  She got a stick. That is what she does.  Anyway, the walks are slow, but steady and I will get my strength back over time.  

It looks like right now I will be going back to work on Thursday. Boo.  Boo.  I like this not working stuff.  It is nice and relaxing.  I could get use to watching cartoons everyday, and watching movies each night.  Surely, there must be a profession that would let me do that.  

This morning we got my PSIV working.  I bought pac-man as part of a classic video game package.  I love me some pac-man.  It also had dig dug, and some other classic games from the 80's.  We also downloaded a Tetris game.  However, it is like Tetris from hell, and once you have played for a few minutes, it just ramps up the pace of the game and pieces are falling like rain and you can barely keep up with it.  It is like the Tetris game that doesn't want you to actually play it.  It is evil Tetris or something.  The music also makes it really stressful.  Instead of chilling playing some Tetris taking your time, putting your pieces in place, this version makes me want to go back to work and do that instead of playing games.  It is like Stresstris.  Not fun.... 

Well, that is all I really got right now.  Living the recovery life style is not all glamour.  It is actually sort of slow and chill, and that is exactly what I need right now.      



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