On the mend!

Pre-op Photo

 On the mend!

Well I can’t say that Friday was enjoyable:  getting up at 4:30, being at the hospital by six.   Having my gallbladder taken out and a polyp take from a very personal place all before 10 a.m.  Other than feeling like I’ve don’t to many crunches, feeling like I have to go potty all the time, and feeling tired I actually feel pretty good.  

Apparently going into surgery with a beard is not the way to go into surgery.  The Anesthesiologist gave me the business about having a beard. Apparently, they can't get a good seal if things go wrong.  So, I should have listened to my sister Heidi and shaved prior to the surgery.  I could have sworn after my las procedure they said I didn't have to shave, but oh well.  Another funny was in the OR they were trying to put some tabs on me.  The anesthesiologist said try to find a place without any hair and the RN said well that is no where.  I guess I am a hairy beastie.  I always knew I was part yeti.   

I have to say a huge thank you to David “The Beav” Daggett.  Friends like that don’t come around too often.   He did a great job of being here for me when I needed it.  Thanks David it is so appreciated.  Although we could have done without the photos of how out of I was…..

Ya it was a rough ride home.  I was pretty out of it.  

I have four or five days of recovery.  I plan on good R and R.  Movies and TV shows and good sleep are in order.  I wish I could get on my bike, but I can’t.  Im off the bike until July 15 and it’s killing me.  I am going to use the time to learn to use my Garmin tools better while I have the down time, so if I can’t cycle I can at least learn more about my cycling tools.  Although Cylon got some new handle bar tape.  Looks pretty good doesn't it!

So, I am feeling as good as I can.

This Sunday a.m. I am cooking some turkey meatballs and chickpea pasta so I have some meals for the week.  Like I said I keep feeling better all the time.   I have this annoying pain in my rear but other than I am pretty good. 

Of course we can't forget little Kona.  Rachel asked me if I needed anything for surgery and I said I did not.  However, I said Kona could always use some treats.   So Rachel sent Kona some toys:

Kona has already murdered Gumby.  Gumby had a rougher Friday than I did.  I lost a gallbladder and a polyp.  Gumby lost his head.  

Of course Kona quickly goes from murdering an icon to hunting for sticks.... I have enough wood in the back yard to make a log cabin

She is so proud of herself and such a good girl!!!  Good company for recovery for sure!


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