

If you had told me 7 years ago when I moved into this house I’d be able to fit into this bath tub, I would have told you that you were nuts.  I barely fit into the thing to shower.  However, 7 years and over 200 pounds can have quite the impact on you.  So, when I got into the tub to today to take a sitz bath I was amazed that I not only fit but I could move around freely and sit and stand without any assistance or great effort.  My the world for me certainly has changed.   It makes me really happy and proud that I can do things I never thought I’d be able to do  again.  Taking a bath in this tub is just one of those things.   

Overall the stomach portion of surgery seems to be fine as of today.  The soreness is really gone.  Although I still have significant bruising on one of the four little areas they made incisions for the gallbladder surgery.  However getting in and out of bed the pain is primarily gone.  So long as I follow the doctors orders I expect that the recovery from gallbladder will be right as rain.

Now the other area.  Dios mio!  I’m not sure that will ever be ok again.  To be honest the pain isn’t really that bad.  It’s more of a lingering stinging.  Which is what led me to doing the sitz bath in the first place.   The warm water felt good.  I’m glad Angela told me to use warm water bc I always thought a sitz bath was with scalding hot water and look the area already stings I don’t want to burn it too.  

The bath was nice.  I was in there for like 30 minutes.  Up and down, sitting this way and that.  I come from a long line of bathers.  I was a bath guy through high school.  Now is helped my parents had a huge bath tub with four jets it that made it feel like you were in a hot tub.  Man do I miss that bath tub.  So I’m not stranger to the bath.  Although for me it’s been a very very long time since I have bathed.  

So, now what?  How do you go into recovery?  We’ll recover officially started for me on Friday with that half drugged, half sleep, part insomnia you get post surgery.  Anyway… I came out of that when Kona got home and the Beav and I watched several cycling videos.  Around 1 am I started my sick time ritual while taking my pain killers.  Every sick day as far back as I can remember starts off with watching Robin Hood by Disney.  Without a doubt it is my favorite Disney movie of all time.  It’s that movie that just makes me so happy and it starts to turn me from my illness back to my healthy self. 

Recovery for me includes a lot of movies and cartoons.   So Saturday I watched Justice League Cartoons, mixed with Star Wars Rebels, and family guy.  I capped Saturday off with watching Batman 89.  Such a classic.

Sunday was more cartoons mixed in with cycling videos.  The. I capped Sunday night off with Batman Returns.   It was always a favorite of mine.  Although after last nights viewing it has lost some of the esteem it held for me.  I can’t put my finger on why.  Perhaps it is the plot or lack there of one.  I mean Catwomen is definitely meow.  You won’t find a man my age that doesn’t love Michelle Pfieffer as the cat.  The bathing scene, definitely a big meow, but honestly she is sort of a worthless player in the film.  Anyway… I’m not going to go into a Batman Returns tangent.  

Now here we are Monday morning.  I’ve already scheduled my surgery follow up appointments.  I took a nice bath.   I’m enjoying some coffee and writing a blog about my bath tub.  Lol… recovery is fantastic!  Funny to my anyway, while I was writing this, I got a call from the polyp doctors office to set up the follow up appointment.  The lady asked me how I was doing, and me being me, thought I would try to be funny.  So, I told her, ya, I am ok, but I have this annoying pain in my ass.  Her response was well, yes, but that is to be expected.  I shook my head and realized my comedy had been wasted.  I just said, yes, I know, I was trying to make light of the situation.  Shew as just like oh, ok.  So she had either heard the joke 100 times before, or I am just not funny.  It is probably both.  

I do have a plan for the next 72 hours… relax, recover, learn about my Garmin watch and computer.  I’m gonna watch some videos on that today.  Then trying to set up my own view on my 830 bike computer.  So, get better and learn it sounds like a good plan.   Heck maybe I’ll nap as well.  I will also watch Batman Forever tonight.  Although I’m also thinking I need to watch the back to the future trilogy that is currently in Freevee.  I think it might be good to shift over to BTF bc after Batman Forever, I just don’t think I can watch Batman and Robin.  It is so bad.  I just don’t think I should todo that to myself.  


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