When it just isn't there...

I am sitting here with time, but I don't have a lot to say. I am not sure why but life seems to be a lot like this lately. I almost feel like I have lost my voice but not my ability to dream. Perhaps, I am in a little rut this a.m. I woke up not feeling it so I cancelled my workout. Another shitty Sunday of sleep kicked me in the ass again. Then I followed that up meeting a surgeon about my potential hernia. The good news is there is no hernia. The bad news is the surgeon I had met before he was the weight loss surgeon, I had met a few years ago. He didn't remember me. He felt me up to see if there was a hernia, there was not. I guess I should feel like I got some. However, seeing him again made me sad and it makes me feel like I have about a million things I want to say and scream at the top of my lungs but it also makes me feel castrated. I am tired of being told I am young and I have a lot of ailments, a...