When it just isn't there...

I am sitting here with time, but I don't have a lot to say.  I am not sure why but life seems to be a lot like this lately.  I almost feel like I have lost my voice but not my ability to dream.  Perhaps, I am in a little rut this a.m.  I woke up not feeling it so I cancelled my workout.  Another shitty Sunday of sleep kicked me in the ass again.  Then I followed that up meeting a surgeon about my potential hernia.  The good news is there is no hernia.  The bad news is the surgeon I had met before he was the weight loss surgeon, I had met a few years ago.  He didn't remember me.  He felt me up to see if there was a hernia, there was not.  I guess I should feel like I got some.  However, seeing him again made me sad and it makes me feel like I have about a million things I want to say and scream at the top of my lungs but it also makes me feel castrated.  I am tired of being told I am young and I have a lot of ailments, aliments that could be fixed easily, with just the flip of a switch, it is magic we can make you all better. 

That is the part that I struggle with the most.  The fact people think I can be so easily fixed.  Look, I am not sitting here saying I am so fucked up that I can not be fixed.  I am not saying that what I have going on is so much worse than everyone else.  However, don't you think if I could have just been poof magically fixed I would have done it already? 

Oh  I am so tired of hearing about commitment and will power.  I willed myself and worked myself to 9 half marathons and parts of 9 tri's.  So don't tell me about commitment and will power.  Don't tell me I just need to focus and not cheat. 

Also, don't tell me you can fix all that ails me with a nip and tuck. 

I am not getting any younger and life is hard.  Work sucks up a lot of my energy, more than I want it to.  Being over 5 bills sucks up a lot.  Twenty minute walks these days are Herculean efforts.  As 50 once said death got to be easy because life is hard. 

However, I can't stay in a negative space.  I can't because I believe in the power of the tetrarch that I am part of.  I left the doctors office and I wanted to find the comfort in being said and miserable.  I even put on Bodies by Drowning Pool to get really into the negative psychosis but by the time I got half way to the office I had regular old Rock N Roll on b/c I wanted to feel better and rock out a little bit.  Nothing like pulling into the office blaring Sweet Home Alabama and doing a sing along like you were playing in a band with some college mates. 

So, I continue down my path.  I continue to fight my fight.  I continue to find believe in the system that I think will ultimately find me success.    I mean after all I did spend a couple hours trying to make sure I stayed out of the fast food drive thrus and off door dash this week by doing some good old fashion meal planning.  So, something has to be going right :)

Bell Peppers, and Turkey smoked sausage: 
 Add some onions to the mix
 Then some spinach
 Add it to the pizza
 Then add the pepperoni
 Then the cheese and you got a pizza that is a few days of lunch:
 Do it again and then you have lunch for the week =)
 Oh and while you are busy making pizza why don't we go back to that first picture at the top and then this bowl below.  A nice tasty Turkey chili... It is goooooood!  Nice to have dinners lined up for the week =)


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