Optimistic October: 1. Write Down Your Most Important Goals for this Month

So happy the Action for Happiness app is working on my phone again and it is reminding me to look at the different calendars they have on tap!  This month we are looking at Optimistic October!!  The quote comes form the Dalai Lama and is "Choose to be optimistic. It feels better"

Optimistic October kicks off by asking you to "Write Down Your Most Important Goals for this Month"

I think that is something I can handle :^)

1. Work out 4 days a week
2. Only eat dinner out 1 night a week
3. Only eat lunch out 2 times per week
4. Only eat breakfast out 3 times per week (I am talking to you breakfast bagels)
5. Write in my blog 2 times a week
6. Follow the action for happiness Optimistic October Calendar

I want to write down a million but I think this is a good place to start. 

This month is going to be challenging the lat month of the quarter, so fingers crossed we can stick to this.  There will be late nights, so insanity might follow!  I will look to my Tetrarchy for help!


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