That's What I Do, I Cycle, and I Know things: Perhaps the Last Ride of 2022

That's What I Do, I Cycle, and I know things... BTW isn't that shirt fantastic, thanks Rachel!!!! As the year winds down, I know a few things. I know that my riding for 2022 is number mainly because the forecast calls for rain. Yes, I would love to ride, but honestly, would rather have the rain because we really need it in California. So, I would gladly trade a few more miles for some heavy down pouring of rain. What else do I know? Well I know according to my apple watch (which is not 100% accurate b/c I know it left some miles off, but that is ok) I rode 1,199 miles this year, which means I actually rode over 1200 which makes me very excited!!! I couldn't ride a bike a year ago and I went over 1200 miles this year. Again, let me say it, That's What I Do, I Cycle, and I know things... I also know I spent well over 100 hours in various different bike saddles. Remember the fine Italian one that hurt my ass....