That's What I Do, I Cycle, and I Know things: Perhaps the Last Ride of 2022


That's What I Do, I Cycle, and I know things... BTW isn't that shirt fantastic, thanks Rachel!!!!  As the year winds down, I know a few things.  I know that my riding for 2022 is number mainly because the forecast calls for rain.  Yes, I would love to ride, but honestly, would rather have the rain because we really need it in California.  So, I would gladly trade a few more miles for some heavy down pouring of rain.  What else do I know?  Well I know according to my apple watch (which is not 100% accurate b/c  I know it left some miles off, but that is ok) I rode 1,199 miles this year, which means I actually rode over 1200 which makes me very excited!!!  I couldn't ride a bike a year ago and I went over 1200 miles this year.  Again, let me say it, That's What I Do, I Cycle, and I know things...   I also know I spent well over 100 hours in various different bike saddles.  Remember the fine Italian one that hurt my ass.  Stupid Italian saddle.  

I also know the more I think about it, the more I have come to realize that the Silver Bullet, while it will always be the proper name of my Bike, is really going to be known as Cylon.  

I mean look that Cylon above is no #6, but still, how badass is he.  My bike is pretty badass and when I am out there I feel like I am on Cylon.  

What else do I know?  I know 2022 was an amazing freaking year!  I flew this year?  I am not talking about my trip to Hawaii or one of my trips to Indiana.  I am talking about Butterflying.  I swam the butterfly this year.  I spent over 50 hours in the bill in 2022 and I did a lot of flying.  I went back to masters and they helped me get to the fly.  Now, sure in July I traded in swimming for Cycling but that doesn't change the fact that in 2022, I flew.  

See just swimming and biking 2022 was amazing.  Not to count that fact I got to spend a lot of time with friends and family.  Two trips to Indiana, one for Thanksturkey and one for the Indy 500.  A wonderful 50th birthday bash in Arkansas. 2022 was freaking awesome, but 2023 is going to be even better.  We are going to cycle a lot more.  We are going to climb a lot.  We may or may not make it back to masters swim, I love swimming but it is a big time commitment and hard to do during busy work days. We are going to lift a lot.  Probably have to get additional weights for my home gym.  We are going to eat even better next year than this year, there is work to be done there.  

So, if I am done riding for this year because of the rain, then so bet it.  There will be lots of it in the New Year!  MERRY NEW YEAR Everyone!!! 


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