A year ago I couldn't ride a bike. I physically, was to heavy to do it. If I would have tried to get on the bike my ass would have not let me stay on it. It would have simply been to painful. If you would have told me then that on 8/30/22 I would be logging on to report in preparation for my 62 Mile Bike Ride on Saturday I road over 853 miles since June 14, 2022 and that number will around 865 by tour day, then push over 900 miles by the end of the ride on Saturday, I would have said you are nucking futz. I could barely walk in November 2020 and now I am arguably in the best shape of my life today. That is insane. It really blows my mind. I am really excited for Saturday. A little scared too. 62 is a long way to go. 2,800 feet is a lot of climbing to do. However, it is nervous excitement. I was out for 11 miles today. I had to balance my energy. Part of me wanted to crank it out. Howev...