Update: The Week that was, from the Man who was not here....


151 Miles ridden since my last entry.  42% of those came in one ride.  It has been a wild and crazy week.  I won’t possibly be able to sum up everything that has happened.  I am not even going to try to.  What I will say is that I was exhausted on Sunday, so I didn’t pick up the pen, and then work has dominated every aspect of my life the last 96 hours.  We all know the “All work and no play makes Billy b a dull boy!”  At least while being busy with work, I was also able to make time for workouts this week.  Three bike rides: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  One session of weights with Clayton.  Total of 40 minutes walking with Shiner today on my rest day. So, I guess all work and some play makes Billy be, something, something, something.... who knows I lost it. 


Wednesday 8/3:  The hilly hotness of a 21.8-mile ride.  I climbed from the south of Cross to Patterson pass.  Man was it hot.  Cranking out the bad gunky the day before wasn’t such a great idea in hindsight b/c my legs were tired on the 3rd.  The heat was well hot, and it made for a really bad ride.  Also, that fine Italian seat continued to hurt my bum. 


Saturday 8/6:  There is so much I wanted to say about the ride on the 6th, however, most of the ideas and thoughts have left me.  I do know this, David Daggett, AKA the Beav, should be considered for sainthood.  Man after putting up with me over 64 miles, 2500 feet of climbing and 5:51 minutes in the saddle, he really should get an award or a medal.  I won’t lie, if Wednesday was hot and hard, then Saturday was just awful for me.  The fine Italian Seat broke me.  We talked about pulling it off at Mile 20 when we did a rest stop at Mi Casa, but I was pig headed and thought I could power through.  You know what comes with a sore ass?  Back pain.  The Bite Me Zone.  More Back pain.  Also, for the first time since I started riding again, I was wishing I had not.  At mile 30 heading out to Manning Road, I was toast.  I didn’t know how I was going to make.  I powered through.  David stayed with me, although I didn’t always make it easy on him to do that.  I was a bit of a bear, as I will be when I am having a bad day.  I am not one who hides my emotions very well. Although if you asked me, I would tell you I do, but I know I am lying when I say it.  Again, the man needs to be sainted for putting up with an asshole like me.  In the end our 60-mile ride turned into a 64-mile ride and that was ok.  I did think about dropping my bike at the 60 mile make and telling him to go to those and get his car and come get me.  I was just afraid he wouldn’t come back for me.  The firs thing we did when we got home was take off the fine Italian seat and put my old saddle back on.  At some point I will burn that Italian saddle and then pee on the ashes, it hurt me in a way few things have hurt me.  It made me question my love for the bike.  Bastard.  I am really proud of myself for doing the distance on a bad day.  I know I can do it now and I know I can do the climbing.  September 3rd will be hard, but we will do it and enjoy it or at least enjoy the BBQ afterwards.  I know I can do it now and that is what matters.  I also am only doing 30 miles this weekend.  I feel like my body needs a little break from the long hard hot rides.  Maybe next weekend I will do 60 again, we will see.  Thank you again Saint Beav, I know I owe you and the nachos don’t make up for it.


Bike the Bridges:  Almost forgot this.  David and I signed up for Bike the Bridges in Concord area.  We are riding 31 miles and raising money for a great cause. 


We are The Evil Empire… if you live in the area and cycle or cycle and want to join us come join the Empire there is always room for more on the Dark Side.  Que imperial march please and thank you.  Please stop by Saint Beav’s (Below)



Right now, The Evil Empire has as sizable lead over the rest of the team in the fundraising teams at $3,495.  Let’s keep raising money for the Special Olympics and help a great cause.  David and I will be each riding 31 miles and climbing over 2,300 feet.  Donating really is the easy part. 


Monday 8/8:  Nothing could stop me with the new bike seat on.  Immediately, ass pain gone, back pain gone.  I cranked out 23 miles on Monday.  It was awesome. It felt great to be back in the saddle.  On a nice soft saddle that has gel in it.  Stupid Italians and their rock-hard asses.  It was a good two-hour training ride.


Tuesday 8/9:  Another 1-hour ride instead of the pool, but this time without the anger or bad gunky from the week before. I just knew I had a lot of work to do and couldn’t make it to the pool.  So, I went out and did a nice loop.  I felt really good.  I didn’t mash around in the big ring and blow out my legs.  I ended riding 14 miles on most flats.  Good stuff.


Wednesday 8/10:  All the stress at work had been leading up to Wednesday and the two-afternoon meeting I had.  I was nervous. I never get nervous about meeting anymore, but this time I was stressed.  Probably snacked a little much over the week.  Must talk to my health professionals about that, not bad snacking gonna gain weight snacking but snacking where I am not going to lose and not recording it properly, so I am skewing the details.  Anyway… what is the best way to start off a stressful day?  Not a 7:30 a.m. work meeting but after that, is the right way, you go out for a 22-mile ride and you attack hills and climb close to 1,000 feet over two hours.  Hard yes, but does it put you in the right frame of mind, yes.    I realized that nothing I was going to do the rest of the day was going to be any hard than climbing up Cross form Patterson heading south to Tesla.  Once, I did that the mind was balance and I nailed my meetings and boom, Billy b wins again.  Really riding and swimming has changed my life and my outlook on things.  I feel fantastic and I feel better after the working out. 


Thursday 8/11:  No rest for the wicked.  Another busy day at the office, but there is a rest day for this wicked man.  That day is today.  I took some small walks with Shinner.  She walks slow and I let her sniff around.  It is really more about getting the legs moving and letting the lady have some time sniffing around.  I am really tired and can’t wait to go to bed tonight.  I feel like I have earned another good night of sleep.


So, now you are all caught up on why I haven’t been here.   Working and riding leaves little time for blogging.  Although, I feel caught up now.  Tomorrow we are doing weights w/ Clayton.  Saturday, I am going to sneak out on the girls and get in 30/40 miles.  Probably 30.  Then Sunday meeting with Clayton again.  Then we decide if we have one more 60 miler in us and then we start to taper for Tour de Fuzz.  How exciting. 


By the way do I not have the best puppy ever:

Look at that stick!  Good Girl!


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