Two Hour Training Ride: The Coospo and a fine Italian Seat :(


Two Hour Training Ride:  The Coospo and a fine Italian Seat :(


Let me tell you something.  The Italians must have asses that are made of solid granite.  No really.  I bought me a nice new Italian saddle for my bike.  David and I, LOL, that is rich, David put it on Saturday.  As I did a test ride around the block, I thought man this hurts my bum.  However, I assumed that was just the 55 miles talking.   Well on my two hour and 24.26 miles ride my ass definitely let me know it was not happy with me.  My saddle was sore.  I am thinking it was residual soreness from the weekend.  I am hoping for better things out of my Italian Bike seat, but who knows my ancestors from Italian might just have had rock hard bums.  The bike information even said it had some fancy gel cushion in the entire seat.  However, if it is in there, I couldn’t feel it.


David who is also know as the Beav also put on my new bike computer with speed and cadence tracker.  The Coospo BC107-A and you know what I freaking love it.  Much larger than the CATEYE.  Screen is out front of my handlebars for easy viewing pleasure.  It does speed, cadence, power (although I am not sure what that is or if I should care), GPS, can do HR.  The coolest thing though is the fact that it measures the gradient on your climbs.  SWING.  I think that is bad ass.  I mean being one who goes around climbing stuff it is cool to put a grade with the climb.  Man, I love nerding out over stuff like that. 


So, yesterday was the first day that I took my bike out when it had everything it would have on the day of Tour De Fuzz. Super exciting right?  I know I thought so.  Couldn’t wait to finally use everything together.  The only problem was is I never turned on my back light or my front light, so as of this writing I still haven’t used everything all at once. 


The coolest thing was that I got to use the Coospo on my five most common climbs that I have been doing and now I can add a grade to each climb.  Again, I am nerding out here and loving every minute of it.


Climb #1 – Greenville 1 between Patterson Pass and Tesla.   This is my climb.  It was the one I dreamed about doing over a year ago when I first drove the road.  It grades out at a 6% gradient.  I knew it was a little steep, but I didn’t realize that was the max grade on it.  Right on. 


Climb #2 – Greenville 2 as I like to call it.  It is between Tesla and the dead end on Tesla at the final winery.  This climb to my surprise actually gets to and over at some points a 7% grade.  This makes me super happy, I have been freaking out about the 7% grades on the Tour de Fuzz and now I feel like I can take them on.


Climb #3 – Greenville 3 or as I like to call it coming back from the dead.  Because you are coming back from the dead end at the end of Greenville.  This is a short but steep little bastard and it was a 10% grade at the highest point I saw on the Coospo.


Climb #4 – on Tesla between Greenville and Vasco.  Easy little roller which was about a 3.5% grade at its toughest.  By the way the higher the grade the tougher the climbing, in case you were wondering.


Climb #5 – North Livermore climb between 580 and May School Road.  This one as I said the other day started as my arch nemesis but now, I can talk and go up it at the same time.  It surprised me this long, little guy went up to and a little over a 6% grade. 


Little stuff like that I think is just so cool!  I am really happy with my new computer and while I miss the Cateye, very happy with the Coospo. 


Great training ride.  I added 5 sprints to my 5 climbs and had a really good ride yesterday other than my sore ass, but I just need to build up my bottom muscle with the new seat :D 

Dudes Ankles are on Fire!!!!


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