Doctor, no Urgent Care, no Hospital... wait... what...

5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday July 27, 2022, was an insane chain of events. I don’t even know how to describe it. I was fine on Friday night, Saturday, and I want to say most of the day on Sunday. I think might have had a little bit of a headache on Sunday but if I did it was mild. I feel like I slept pretty good over the weekend. Did light workouts with Clayton, nothing to crazy. When I got up Monday even, I felt fine. However, I got tired about a half hour after waking up. Then my head where I hit it on the ground started to give me some trouble. It was just achy, didn’t really hurt, it almost felt heavy. I noticed as I was on Zoom calls trouble keeping my eyes on the screen. However, the headaches were mild, so I just figured I slept on my neck wrong, or my neck was still sore from the fall of the bike and that was hurting my head. Monday turns to Tuesday; I get over seven hours of sleep....