Recovery Ride: 12.75 miles

I learned one thing for sure on my recovery ride today.  That was I needed to trim my eyebrows.  They were apparently so out of control that there was one hair in particular from the left brow that obstructed my vision for the better part of an hour while I was riding.   Can you believe that no matter what I did with my sunglasses, one single freaking hair just hung in my line of sight, it is one of those things that makes a sane person go mad and a person like me?  Well it makes me want to scream at my eyebrows the whole time I’m out on the bike.   I wasn’t actually screaming outside of my head but inside I was angry.

Work was to busy with meetings for me to make it to the pool today for my swim.  So, I thought about walking but why walk when you can ride?  So, I took the Fuji out for an hour and five minutes.  It was pretty great.  I stuck to mostly flat roads and did an older route that I’d done a while back.  It was good.  My legs felt good.  I kept my cadence in between 60-80 most of the ride.  Normally it was in the 70’s.  I didn’t want to blow my legs out, that’s what tomorrow is for with the hills.  

I did finally wear my Pacific Grove Tri socks on a ride.  Can’t tell you how many years I’ve had them, but I finally broken them out.  I miss Pac Grove.  More so than that I miss all my walk team friends that I did Pac Grove with.  Those were the days.  Love my TNT Walk team peeps. 

Wednesday is hill day.  So, I’m going back to Cross and trying trying to go over the hill going south.  Probably by the time I post this I’ll already have succeed.  I’m looking forward to the challenge.

I think my surgery on my bike helped the issue with the bike pump.  I’ll know for sure tomorrow when a get a few more traffic lights to stop me.  I seemed to make every light today.  

I am rambling now.  I should get going.  I think the moral of the story is no matter how busy you get, you can still find time for yourself.  No, I guess it is really no matter how busy you get you have to find the time for yourself to get the workouts you want in.  That is what I did.  When I couldn't make it to master swim, I pivoted and did something I could do.  Just like next week is quarte rend and I know I won't be able to make it to the pool.  So, pivot, lets have Clayton come on Tuesday and Thursday.  Let's ride on Monday and Wednesday.  Rest Friday and then go for a longer ride with David on the weekend and that is how you survive quarter end. 


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