Withdraws, Training and Quarter End


Leg is healing up nicely from the Fall

Another view from the top from Friday

Withdraws, Training and Quarter End


I haven’t seen my bike or been on it since Friday.  I am starting to have the withdraws.  I should have ridden it at least once already this week. The bike shop called on Saturday.  The bike should be ready today.  I am tempted to get an uber over there and then ride back.  I like the idea.  You know I really do. 


I knew this week was going to be tough with quarter end.  My entire schedule is in shambles because of work.  I feel to pressed for time because of the quarter end, so swimming is off this week docket.  I haven’t been to the pool in two weeks now.  July was a bad swim month for the kid.  That is ok, next week is another week and a new beginning.  Live happens and you must roll with the punches.  Overall, my training is in a really good place with over a month to go to my ride, so resting during this mentally challenging week is important. 


I am starting to have headaches the last few days.  I think it is because my neck and I have been sleeping on it wrong since the accident.  I started sleeping on a different pillow Sunday night and the last two days I have a kink in my neck.  I think this leads to the headaches.  They are very mild headaches, almost like a tension headache I used to get when I first went into AFIB, but my BP is good at 133/79, a little high for me.  My neck is really stiff as well.  My chest is a little soar too.  I will be doing some good stretching later this afternoon when Clayton gets here so that will be good.  I see the PT on Thursday and that will be good as well.  I know one thing is for sure, I am too old to be falling off the bike. 


I need to plan the ride for this weekend with David.  It is another big one.  We just aren’t going to put in the giant climbs.  Will be taking out new tires, tubes, and back cassette.  I don’t understand the geometry on the back cassette but the word on the street is the new cassette will make it better to climb and make me work not as hard.  So that is exciting.  55 miles here we come…  If you don’t hear from me for the rest of the week it’s not b/c I am not thinking about you, but because work is making me work :D


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