East bound and down, loaded up and cycling…


East bound and down, loaded up and cycling…
Another great weekend cycling in Bloomington Indiana with BBC!  Really it has been a few great weeks on the bike.  I did 33 miles on Tour de Trails in Colombus, Indiana.  Then a few other rides around Bloomington and getting my indoor rides on my TacX.  I am averaging about 4 rides a week between inside and out.    
Yesterday we headed out for a nice and easy ride out to the east side of Bloomington, which included heading out on SR 446 towards Lake Monroe.  I am going to get out there one of these days and ride around the great lake of Bloomington, just like some day I am going to get up north and ride around ole Gitche Gumee, but that is a goal and story for another time.
I left my house early yesterday because I wanted to get some extra riding before I met up with the group.  I was scheduled to get a 2 and ½ hour ride in on Sunday, and the 22 miles scheduled for the group ride wouldn’t get me to that goal and I figured it would be better to pack the miles in before meeting the group than after. 
It is just over three miles for me to get from my house to Switchyard Park where the BBC launches its beginners rides at 1:30 every Sunday afternoon.  Still learning the routes and how to properly use my equipment, I prefer the non-drop rides and while I think I could handle the distance on the Saturday rides, I am not sure I could handle getting lost and finding my way home after getting dropped.  I have the will and endurance; I just don’t have the speed.  Never have had it, never will have it.    
I set out from my house with over 50 minutes to spare before I had to meet up with the club.  I really had no idea where I was going.  I just wanted to ride. I went out Derby and crossed Rhorer Road to Benson.  I then take my usual left onto Jamie and look for Laura Way.  From Laura we go to Bainbridge, Bainbridge to Allendale or as I like to call it Allen of Dale.  I am partial to the Allen of Dale played by the rooster in Robin Hood the Disney version, which to me is the best telling of that legend.  Although it took up till about two years ago to realize the Rooser was calling himself Allen of Dale, and not saying I am a dayo.  Not sure what a a dayo is but I just assumed it was some old word for story teller.  Any who… let’s get back on track.
From Allen of Dale, we turn onto Winslow and head for the B Line.  I wasn’t sure what I was going to do when I got to the B Line.  I could ride up the B and turnaround and come back. I could just ride in a circle around the switchyard.  I could try and do something else.  I didn’t really care either.  I just wanted to ride.  When I got to Switchyard Park, I decided to just ride circles around it.  That way I was never too far away from the meeting point for the club ride.  I get nervous about being where I am supposed to be on time. After looping around the park twice and I found I was at 40 minutes of riding for about 8 miles, which is where I wanted to be.
I was a little nervous about venturing out to the East side.  Like most places in Bloomington, it has been about 28 years since I had ridden a bike that way.  I had bad memories of riding out by the lake.  Hilly memories.  Falling while trying to climb up memories.  I didn’t dwell too much on these anxieties. Whatever would be would be.  If I stick to my ride, my speed, my pace, I normally end up getting where I want to go. 
It was a big group for a Sunday ride.  Not sure if that was because the Saturday ride was partially washed out because of rain or because people like to go to the East Side.  There were 12 of us out for the ride.  Biggest group that I had ridden with.  Most of the people I recognized.  They had been on other Sunday rides at one point in time or another.  Like most Sunday’s there were one or two new faces.
We headed out onto the B Line and somehow, I ended up towards the front of the group.  This should never happen because I am super slow and just not comfortable being in the front.  Eventually I would cycle back in the pack, which is what I am more comfortable doing.  When you are upfront people actually expect you to know where you are going and what you are doing.  Which is not the case with me.
From the B Line we took the protected 7th street bike line through campus.  Then things get a little screwy because you start bobbing and weaving through neighborhoods and roads till you end up back at 3rd street.  You cross 3rd and head into more neighborhoods and make a lot of turns to just get to college mall by Kroger and we cross there and really start weaving into more neighborhoods.  I like to be in the back just so I can follow the others.  Lots of weaving to get out east.
We finally weaved our way out onto State Road 446 which will take you around Monroe Lake, I think.  It takes you towards the lake.  I felt good riding.  My legs felt strong, and I was able to keep up with the group and even pass some people in the process.  Felt good.  Felt so good, I blew right past the place we were supposed to turn.  Luckly, one of the people behind us called out to us and we turned around and got back on the proper route.
Then we got back onto 446 and head to East Lampkins Road. Lampkins is an interest road.  It is very shady and dark; in my mind I kept hearing dueling banjos playing in my head.  It is an Indiana country road with lots of rolling hills and hidden pot holes. 
The group divided into two toward the end of Lampkins.  Part of the group went down the hill so they could turn around and come back up.  The other half had a nice little break and took some photos.  See above.  From the pictures you can probably figure out which group I was in.  I was already at 25 miles at that point, and I had no real desire to challenge myself with a big climb, just to challenge myself with a big climb.  I was feeling good and strong, no need to push it.
After our rest and photo opt we headed back into civilization.  Lampkins is a nice ride and one of these days I will have to go out and see about that hill, even if it is dark and a little creepy at times.  We proceeded to find more neighborhoods to weave in and out of as we headed back to Switchyard Park.  I can’t even begin to tell you all the little turns we did and where they were at, but I did recognize Bryan Park when we got there and from there I could get back to Switchyard without any trouble. 
The group stopped again at Switchyard and held palaver for a minute or too.  Then, I mounted back up and headed back home.  I still felt good riding home.  My legs felt strong.  I could have kept going if I needed to, but I was at the 3-hour mark and puppy was waiting for me, so I just headed home.  All in all, a really great ride.  So happy I did it.  I was looking forward to next Sunday’s ride but I will be at graduation for my nephew, so no ride for me next weekend and that is ok.  I will get two rides indoors this week.  Maybe I will take the bike this weekend and do an easy LSDR ride, but we will play it by ear.


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