East bound and down, loaded up and cycling…

East bound and down, loaded up and cycling… Another great weekend cycling in Bloomington Indiana with BBC! Really it has been a few great weeks on the bike. I did 33 miles on Tour de Trails in Colombus, Indiana. Then a few other rides around Bloomington and getting my indoor rides on my TacX. I am averaging about 4 rides a week between inside and out. Yesterday we headed out for a nice and easy ride out to the east side of Bloomington, which included heading out on SR 446 towards Lake Monroe. I am going to get out there one of these days and ride around the great lake of Bloomington, just like some day I am going to get up north and ride around ole Gitche Gumee, but that is a goal and story for another time. I left my house early yesterday because I wanted to get some extra riding before I met up with the group. I was scheduled to get a 2 and ½ hour ride in on Sunday, and the 22 miles scheduled for the g...