The Escapement

Billy b at the book store…. Not the best selfie 

 The Escapement

The Escapement is a Sci-fi novel by Lavie Tidhar.  It was the first book I read for a Sci-if book club I joined here in Bloomington.  However, I am not here to talk about the novel or review it.  I think it was worth a read, but that is something for you to decide for yourself.  No I am here to talk about the fact that I left the house and went out to a book club.  

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome or something like that.   Truth, I can’t continue to sit on my couch every night and expect for my life to be anything other than ordinary.  Unless, I am really lucky and guessing from the Mega Millions drawing last night I am not.  As someone one almost a billion dollars and I won four, so a beautiful bride and a bunch of friends aren’t just going to come knocking on my door as I watch another Superman TV show or reruns of Archer.  Also, the more I sit on that couch the more I am going to snack, and procrastinate.  So, something had to change because whether it was California or Bloomington, I am bored and a little lonely.  So, it is time to flip the script, and tonight I turned a page.  

I just got up from the couch, shut the door, didn’t bother saying bye to Kona.  Not because I don’t l love my baby dog, but because she knows how to game her Daddy by either whining or shaking.  I did not want to deal with that tonight because I was nervous enough about leaving the house and going out into the world.  I knew if she started shaking, then I could easily just sit down with her and spend the night with her and use her as the shield to not do something for myself.  

I got in the car and typed in the address to the bookstore and headed off.  I had my former companies pullover on and since I didn’t want to rep a company logo that had laid me off, I covered the logo with a bicycle patch.  As I drove over to the book store, I thought to myself what if some asks about the diamond club logo on the back.  I giggled but I played the scenario out in my head.  I basically tell them what I just wrote.  Then I worried I wouldn’t be smart enough to talk to people about the book.  The normal stuff that runs through our minds as we head into something new.  Again, I talked out my thoughts on the book and practiced my thoughts on my way over.  However, I knew I probably wouldn’t share at the meeting. I was going to be a fly on the wall.  

I got to the bookstore early.  One to browse and one to get a cup of coffee and maybe a cookie or some other snack at the cafe.  I was happy to find out they had decaf on drip and a salted caramel chocolate chip cookie, which was probably the size of three normal cookies.  So,  go over to doctor up my decaf drip and as I am standing there, I hear this man ask “What is a diamond club bicycling club?”  I turned to find an older gentlemen sitting there and looking at me.  I couldn’t help but smile and said, you know I was thinking about that on my way over here.  Then i proceeded to tell him that I was laid off but loved the jacket but didn’t want to rep the company that had cut me loose, so I found a bike patch to cover it.  I said what I forgot about was the diamond club logo on the back.  He laughed and said and I just brought it up right off the bat.  I was like it is all good, I had prepared for this.  He said well now you have a reason to find another patch and I said yes sir, that is the plan and it is.  I could add my first Century Patch to it, but I want too hang that on my medal wall, so I will find something else.  It is funny how sometimes what we think up in our mind comes true. 

I did some book shopping.  I of course bought 2 Stephen King novels and 1 Joe Hill Novel.  Joe Hill is real name is Joseph King and he is Sai Stephen’s son.  He actually wrote the scariest book that I have ever read “Heart Shaped Box”.   I have been waiting to read Horns his second novel for a long time and I decided to pull the trigger on it tonight.  Sometimes we have to put fear aside and read on.  Just like I did with Heart Shaped Box.  As I checked out I asked the lady at the counter where the book club met and she pointed to the back of the store and although I was early I headed back there.  

I didn’t know what to expect from a Sci-fi book club as far as people who would show up.  In my mind I was thinking of part Comic-Con and part homeless shelter.  Don’t ask me why this is where my mind went.  However, belief it or not it was just a group of what I will call regular folks (to the extent that any of us are regular).  It was a large group.  However, the second I sat down at the table my nerves went away and while I didn’t join in the conversation pre meeting with the other four people at the table, I did listen smile and nod and say hi when someone said hi to me. 

The group was large.  Did I say that already.  I could try to go back and look but I don’t re-read what I write.  Maybe I should.  I would say there was at least 12 or 13 people present including the moderator.   

The group started with a going around the table and introducing yourself, giving your pronouns, and then saying if you liked the book or not.  I was a little nervous about that.  I don’t think I had ever given pronouns before and I was worried that I would screw that up.  However, I’d didn’t and I told the people that I like the book and parts of it reminded me of King’s “Dark Tower” and that for some reason I kept picturing Stan Smith from American Dad as the main character in Man with No Name dress up and with that, I was part of the group.  

I talked with them.  I gave opinions on the book that I didn’t even know I had.  I talked about the chapter about the Benders reminding not of my favorite Bender but my least favorite Benders from Supernatural.  I giggled and laughed when someone said the book captured them with the reference that “This is Clown Country” and I was like yes, that was the moment I was hooked.  I was shocked a little bit that I contributed and had a voice.  

I realized I was amongst some of my people.  I am not saying these are going to be my best friends and that I am having them over for a party next week, but you know what I had a really nice time.  It was super enjoyable.  I couldn’t wait to get my hands not the next book so that I could get ready for the next meeting.  I even walked to the front of the store with some of the people and talked about different others they liked because they saw me picking out the next couple of books.  One person stopped and talked to me and said I should think about doing some other groups.  I found myself at ease talking to her and saying ya I am Bloomerang and I just came back from California after 24 years and I was here just to get myself out of the house just like her.  

It was nice.  I enjoyed it. Now I just have to get my nerve up and go out and ride with BCC, but one step at a time and tonight was a big step for Billy b.


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