Back Home Again....


I am back home again in Indiana.  When I say I am back home again, I mean it!  I am currently living in my Mom's basement.  48 and living in Mom's basement, isn't that the dream?  Maybe if you are a serial killer.  Actually, I tease.  I always have a nice time with my Mom.  Here place is super nice and Kona and have been very welcomed guests.

The Trip back across the country wasn't awful.  It had some moments that weren't so great like when we got hit by a giant cone that semi crushed.  However, overall it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 

Things really happened at warp speed at the end.  I am not sure where the time went.  The move was moved up by a day because of weather issues.  So, when I picked my good buddy Chip up at the airport in Oakland on the 19th we just started the journey back across the country.  

Leg 1 of the journey we went from Livermore to Reno.  So, we loaded up the Dodge Durango (which was a rental) with Kona and headed out.  It was really some of the only night driving we did on the trip across.  The drive was pretty easy, but I did get break checked by someone because I was on there ass in a construction zone.  They had slowed down and I didn't realized I was in a construction zone. It was the power of the Hemi engine that went to my head and I was hauling ass.  I deserved to be break checked.  Then a few more miles down the road in another construction zone the semi in front of us hit a cone and it flipped up in the air and smacked into the Durango.  It left a little blemish but nothing that the rental car company was too worried about.  Downtown Reno at night can be a little sketchy.  We had trouble finding our hotel.  The directions to us adjacent to the hotel, not to the actual hotel itself which was weird.   Overall, it ended up being a pretty nice place to stay.  The room was clean.  They gave Kona a welcome package and there was a dog park down the road.  The only issue was I kept trying to put Kona in bed with me, b/c I didn't bring her bed with us into the hotel.  She kept running away from me and hiding in the corner.  I finally gave up and let her sleep on the floor.  Apparently, I was pretty load with my two battle with Kona to get her into bed.  Here I was thinking I was quiet as a mouse.  

Leg 2 of the Journey was Reno to Salt Lake - Nevada is the second most boring state to drive though.  there is nothing there.  Just miles and miles of nothingness.  Chip kept asking me who these people were that lived in the middle of no where and why they chose to live there.  I didn't know.  There is a lot of empty space in Nevada with nothing to see.   Utah is a bit better.  You are least start to see mountains.  However, there seems to be a lot of empty space in Utah as well.  Especially up till you get to Salt Lake.  The drive was pretty uneventful that day.  Lots of good conversation between to old friends.  The hotel in Salt Lake was pretty nice and it had a restaurant that we went down and ate in.  We both got burgers.  I ate half my burger and asked for a to go box for the other half.  The lady brought me the box and then I started to cut my burger into little pieces and Chip asked me what I was doing.  I told him I was cutting the burger up for Miss Kona.  If he hadn't know it before that moment he knew it after that Miss Kona defiantly ran the show.  Wow, I never heard the end of cutting up the burger for the dog.  It was point of discussion the rest of the trip east.  

Leg 3 of the Journey was Salt Lake to Parker, CO - this was the longer day of driving for sure and the only day I hit the oh fuck I am tired of driving wall.  First of all Colorado is terrible for not having bountiful rest stops.  There was a stretch there were me and my main man Chip really had to pee and we were in the middle of no where.  We finally had to find a place on the side of the road to go and wouldn't you know it another car stopped at the same place and I had to walk the dog to distract them while Chip went and then vice versa.  I will say the drive from Salt Lake to Parker was beautiful though.  The mountains are gorgeous.  Wyoming wasn't as picturesque as I thought it would be, but still it was a good drive.  Then two worlds collided when I introduced my Indiana BFF to my California BFF in Parker.  We stopped at Rachel's house in Parker.  It was really great to see her.  It wasn't really the same without Miss Shiner,  love that dog.  However, we had a nice visit, we went out and got some good dinner and then had a nice breakfast burrito before we left.  Also, in Parker Kona decided she would start sleeping with me, willingly. She just hopped right into the bed and said here I am, and then proceeded to take up the middle of the bed.  Which has pretty much put an end to my good sleeping.  She takes up so much space.  She has sleeted with me every night since.  I can't wait to get into the new house and get her bed set up.  

Leg 4 of the Journey was Parker to Topeka - OMG Kansas is the most boring state in the world.  It is so freaking flat and has nothing in it.  We were hoping to go to a tone called boner springs but the bypass took us around boner springs so even the best named city ever was lost to us.  Topeka did have the best hotel of the trip though.  We stayed in one of the places that had a two bedroom suite. So we had a kitchen and living room but then we each had our own sleeping area.  Also, there was a report on the hotel that someone thought it was haunted so Chip was hopeful for a haunting.  We didn't get haunted.  We did get Culver's and you know what that is a good burger.  

Leg 5 of the Journey was Parker to Terre Haute - It was great to get out of flat, boring ass Kansas.  So flat, so boring.  Stupid Kansas. We hit traffic in Missouri, but most of the last day was nice driving throw Illinois.  Kona got her first mid west stick in Illinois at a rest stop.  The last day of driving was pretty easy.  We rolled into to Terre Haute as dusk.  

It was a pretty easy trip.  Much easier than either of us had expected.  Kona was the model traveler. She did the best of all of us.  She just slept the whole time. I think she'd be happy to get into he car and go a little farther.  She is just a good dog like that.  

On the 6th day Chip and I went to Bloomington to check out the new house and his wife met us there and took him home.

Kona loves her new back yard:

Since we have been back I have been in Terre Haute and Bloomington.  Just relaxing.  I have been doing a lot of car shopping.  I think I found one and am looking to pull the trigger this weekend.  Fingers crossed but that is a story for another day.  Have to run to an appointment then I am picking up kids at school. I told you I moved back here for family, so I am excited to go pick up a kid at school and take him to the gym.  :D


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