The Times They Are a Changing: Part IV - What’s Next?


The Times They Are a Changing:

What’s Next?


For the first time in a long time, I have no idea of what is next for me once I settle in Bloomington.  Will I find another remote finance job?  Will I take the time to write the great American novel?  Will I do temp work and try to round out my other accounting skills?  Will I do something else like a podcast for overweight people trying to find ways to find long-term health at any size ?  Will I try and find a bike store and buy it?  Will I open my own Doggy Day Care?  The sky is the limit.  I have so much talent that I could do just about anything or who knows perhaps I will do it all.


I don’t have everything figured out and I am ok with that.  If I have learned anything during my 24 years in California it is that I will find my way.  I always do.  I am resilient and driven, and when I put my mind to something, I can accomplish it. I don’t have to have all the I’s dotted and T’s crossed, that is the great thing about how hard I have worked over the last 24 years, I have put myself in a position where I can take the time to figure out what is next.  


Living in Bloomington, a place where the cost of living is much less than in California, affords me the ability to take the time and do the homework to figure out what I want to do.  I have meetings with a company about franchising opportunities already.  I have so many ideas about the stories I want to tell.  So, what is next will figure itself out.  These things always do.  I firmly believe that.  


For now, we keep cranking away on the bike.  We keep cooking up a storm and trying to eat healthy, like an athlete would.  We put ourselves in a position to get across the finish line in Sacramento in October and we take life one day at a time.  The one thing that I know for sure is that the times they are a changing and it is all for the better.

Updates: Putting an offer in today on place on the east side of Bloomington.  I found to places I loved one in Ellettsville and one in Bloomington.  After a lot of thought, I realize it is where I want to be and I think Kona and I will be very happy there.  It might need a little TLC but we can do it. All things are trending to a 10/20 timeline.  Also, thanks to my sister Heidi I realized that Livermore to Bloomington is only a 32 hour drive.  So, the 6 day trip is more like a 4 day trip with Dog.  Maybe I had me and my good buddy Chip walking part of the way or riding bikes or something.  :)


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