Back to the Urgent Care


I think it is the artist in me who has a flare for the dramatic.  So, of course I title this Bak to the Urgent Care.  I want people to come in and read the works of Billy b what can I say.  This is the same Urgent Care I went to when I got the head phone piece of plastic wedge in my ear canal.  Also, the same Urgent Care (UC) I went to about a year ago with symptoms of a concussion.  Now I feel pretty stupid having to go to the UC. I mean after all the reasons I have gone there are because of my stupidity.  One pushing an ear phone to far into my ear canal.  Second falling off my bike (which honestly, I don't feel so dumb about that it could happen to anyone).  Finally, the reason I went today because I was afraid one of the incision points from my gallbladder surgery got infected.  Now who on this Earth gets an infection in an incision point from laparoscopic surgery 5 week and 6 days after their surgery?  This guy!  That is who.

So, I don't know exactly how it happened.  Everything was healing up just fine.  I am literally 5 weeks and 6 days out from Gallbladder surgery.  Tomorrow is six weeks.  However, last Saturday I noticed as I was going to bed that one of the incision points was a little sore.  It just happened to be the one that gets covered every day by my underwear and my pants.  Now be honest how many of you are thinking of me in my underwear now.  Also it is where my bike shorts rest and pretty much at the same spot I bend over when I am riding the bike.  So, it was starting to feel sore and seemed a little irritated over the weekend but shit happens.  No big deal right.  

Well on Tuesday that is when things went to hell.  As I got out of the shore on Tuesday a.m.  I noticed that there was a little bit of liquid coming out of the incision point.  I thought maybe it is just a drop of water.  So, I pushed on it a little bit and a nice whitish thing of goop came out.  Well, that isn't good.  Then a little blood came out.  Really not good.  So, I emailed my my GP.  she said to sent her a photo and contact my surgeon.  So. I did. I sent him him the same email I sent my GP, but I did that on Wednesday a.m.  

Well... ok at this point if you are faint of heart, you might want to stop reading.  

So, after I email the guy on Wednesday and he emails back and says to put rubbing alcohol on it, and Neosporin and cover it with a bandaid.  I notice some more stuff on it.  So, I do what I think a lot of people would do, I squeezed.  I squeezed it good and like a teen ager popping a zit the think popped out some white goop, with a tent of green to it.  I mean a lot of it.  So, I kept squeezing and then the blood came.  Lots, and lots of blood came out. Then it stopped.  So, I was like I will just do what the doctor says and put some rubbing alcohol on it, Neosporin, and bandaid.  I ride my bike.  I switch bandaids and clean it again and all is right with the world.  

I got up this a.m.  I took the bandaid off.  You can see the photo below if you want.  It was covered with blood and what appears to be puss.  Ya, sounds awesome right.  Well not so much.  Still no pain.  No issue putting rubbing alcohol on it.  Neosporin.  All that was fine.  However, this a.m. it just kept leaking.  I literally was like a waterfall of blood running out of my little hole in my tummy (see below if you want).  

So, I put on another little bandaid and get ready for my workout.  We take our walk and I tell my trainer about what I am experiencing and he is like well dude you should probably take it easy and we shouldn't get all hot and sweaty.  I agreed with him and had made my mind up as I checked the bandaids on the walk (and it was full of blood) that I was going to the Urgent Care.  So we finished our walk.  I got ready and cleaned the wound and bandaged it and went to urgent care at 8:50.  Well of course they don't open until 10.  SMH, just my luck.

So, I go and get some coffee.  Listen to a little history that doesn't suck, literally the name of the podcast I am listening to is "History that Doesn't Suck" love it.  Then I go in and wait for my turn to be called.  Burkle #1 person in UC this a.m.  I am not sure if that is something to be proud of or not.  

I meet with the doctor and nurse.  Tell them my issues. However, at this point the thing has stopped its leaking.  So I am like oh great.  They are going to think I am crazy.  

First thing the doctor told me was the I was allergic to bandaids and it was causing me to break out.  So, that was new.  

Second he told me he wanted to culture the wound.  So, he actually asked me to squeeze it again to see if we could get anything out of it.  I did.  It produced a whitish, greenish goop.  He commented on the greenish tint.  

Third he told me I was starting antibiotics both oral and topical.  

So, somehow I infected the sight.  He asked me if I had any questions?

My only question for him was, can I still ride?  

The answer was yes you can still ride so long as the place doesn't get aggravated.  Just no swimming.  No sit-ups.  I told him I could live with that right now. 

So, 50 miles still on for the weekend.  Assuming the antibiotics don't wear me out or give me insomnia.  

Also, if I get any fevers, redness around the area, if it feels like it is spreading or anything green comes out, I am to go straight to the emergency room. I am really hoping nothing like that happens.  

I am confident it won't.  I am annoyed, my backside was finally back to 100% and now, I have tummy troubles.  It could always be worse.  Luckily, it isn't and it isn't going to be, because we are going to get healed up and feeling better in no time.  

Some photos which are not for the faint of heart:

That is the wound on my tummy... I am allergic to bandaids I found out... and I open up a puncture site

Overnight Band-aide Billy was leaking...

Band-aide from this a.m. after 1 hour of wearing, Billy was still leaking


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