Another Hot Saturday on the Bike...


The only picture from Saturday... Damn, there is a lot of gray!

Distance: 58.79
Elav. Gain: 1,778 ft
Time: 5 hours and 1 minute

Saturday was a great ride. It was a long ride.  It was a hot ride, but overall it was a really great ride!  

It was The Beav (David) and I and we took off at 8:30 because we knew the heat was going to be climbing on us.  We visited some familiar places and road on some new places as well.    

We started off by riding our normal loop around the neighborhood.  Since it gives us a full mile, I decided we would do it twice to just to go the extra mile.  Get it!  I am so clever.  From there we headed out to Greenville.  It would be one of two times we would ride it.  It is always a good place to start a ride, and when planned right, it is a good place to finish one as well.  

We took Greenville all the way out to Tesla.  It used to be my favorite place to ride.  However, I swear the hill at the end of Greenville gets longer and steeper every time I ride on it. I thought things were supposed to get easier the more times you did them, but not this hill.  Actually by the end of last summer, I had ridden it so many times it did get easier for me.  I tease that it gets longer and steeper when the truth is it is just a tough little hill.  Anyway, we went up and over.  

We went left on Tesla, which is unusual.  Nothing ever good comes from going left on Tesla.  Mainly, because going left on Tesla leads to one of two places 1) Tracy, Ca or 2) Cross Road.  Neither are much fun when you are training for a flat bike ride because both have hills.  I have never ridden to Tracy.  I may never, but that is a different story for a different day.  I have ridden Greenville to Cross before.  See the ole rugged cross blog.  Greenville to Cross is a Cat 5 climb.  It is technically 7+ miles of climbing.  I only map in Cross when planning bike rides when I have too.  I hate the long steady climb or at least I thought I did.  

I was pretty surprised how much I have improved on the bike.  Going up Cross isn't easy.  It is still long, hot, and hard.  Although, it has never been as bad as the first time.  Saturday was actually sort of an enjoyable little climb.  I will stop short of saying it was easy, because it was not easy, but it was not awful either.  

From the top of Cross we headed to our old friend Patterson Pass. Patterson is so much better going west on than easy.  It is the difference between going up and down.  Down is always better in my humble opinion.  

From Patterson we go back to Greenville and Greenville we take back to my house for Rest Stop #1 of the day.  It is nice when you can use your own house for a rest area.  Get more water, play with the dog.  Eat some PB&J. Use the restroom in a clean facility.  All good.

From our Rest Stop we then headed out to Manning and started our climb.  Although, we never crested Manning.  Instead we cut-off on Highland.  You might think at first that this is a good idea because you are bypassing the really steep part of Manning, but Highland isn't all shits and giggles.  It has a little up for ya.  It doesn't let you just bypass the biggest part of the climb.  Then you get a little relieve going down on Highland, until you have to cutover to CCR and the you go back up.

At the top of CCR there is a drive way.  Last week about 6 of us cyclist from different groups rested on the driveway.  It is the top of the hill and a logical place to take a breather.  Last week as we did this the owner of the driveway left their house and saw us all there, and didn't say a word.  All seemed right with the world.  So, naturally David pulled off there and was waiting for me to ascend.  I get to the top.  I pull off into the driveway and am chatting with David. 

While we are standing there.  This yellow truck pulls by.  Some hill ape with long hair (and look I am not against long hair but this was mullet hair, and I am agains that) rolls down his window and is filming us on his cell phone, which I was surprised he could use and screams at us, hey assholes, this is private property, you can't be their.  Now I wish this guy would have stopped because my bike pump would have looked amazing shoved sideways up his ass and my foot across his jaw would have been awesome too.  I don't usually get animated and am pretty passive aggressive but this guy pissed me off.  I wanted to chase him down and fight him, I really did.  Maybe it was working so hard to get to the top of the hill.  Maybe it is I hate yellow trucks.  I mean if you are going to get a truck, get it in a good color.  Maybe it is because I hate mullets and hill apes.  I was ready to chase him down.  Luckily we didn't see him again.  Anyway, if the people who live on the property don't say anything, then keep you fucking mouth shut hill ape and go about your business.  

Anyway instead of beating down a hill ape, we got to go down CCR and that is my favorite part of any bike ride.  It was fast and fun.  It wasn't too hot out and the wind felt amazing in my face.  I think really do think climbing hills and getting the reward of coming down the other side is really the best part of cycling and it makes the entire climb worthwhile.  

From CCR we went to stop number two of the day at the Chevron + Wendy's gastruant.  Here I once again had to top off my camelpak.  I had already drained it twice.  I would end up draining it one more time during the ride for a total of 4 liters.  I drink a lot of water.   I drank those four camelpaks and four bottles of my water. 

We took Airport Blvd and passed Livermore International Airport. I, jest here, because it isn't an international airport.  It is just a local airport with small plans, anyway we road by it and got ready to head to Pleasanton. 

With the climbing behind us for the day or most of it, we started our way to Pleasanton.  We took Jack London to the Outlets, where Jack London turns into Stoneridge.  We took Stoneridge to Hacienda.  Hacienda to Owens.  Owens to Hopyard.  All good riding.  All flat.  Pretty uneventful.  Just good miles put on the legs getting us closer to our destination.  

We bypassed downtown Pleasanton.  However, we did stop at the bagel shop at the north end of the main strip.  There David and I shared a turkey and cheddar with mustard on a sesame bagel.  I am not going to lie to you, it might have been the best sandwich I have ever eaten.  Now that could have been the 40+ miles I had already put in talking.  I just know I loved that sandwich.  It was awesome!  

Again, I had to refill my camelpak and my water bottles but after eating 1/2 of a bagel sandwich I was not sure where I was going to fit anymore water.  However, if there is a Bill there is a way and I finished off all that water before I got home. Gotta stay hydrated baby.  It makes the miles better.  

So, with our bellies full and our water bottles filled we set off do the final 12 miles.  The dirty dozen if you will.  We took Stanley to First Street, back to Stanley, I love how towns name their streets.  Makes everything nice and confusing.  Stanley leads us back to Livermore and back to another First Street.  At this point the head had shown up and it was letting us know it.  Giving over the First street overpass out of downtown Livermore it was hot.  I think it is all the concrete and the climbing but it lets you now that you are in the heat of the day.

I got a great surprise as I was coming down first street.  I heard a horn honking and I looked up and saw my good buddy Sundev driving by.  Honking and waving.  It was great to see him, it had been far too long.  

From first street we take Mines up and over another overpass and then we get back to Patterson Pass.  I am going to say this again, this road just seems to get longer and longer each time we take it.  It is long and when you just want to get home it seems to stretch forever.  From here we go back to Greenville and Greenville takes us home!  

Not a bad bit of riding for a Saturday.  

After the ride we were beat. However, that didn't stop us from showering up and heading out to dinner.  We went to this place called Korean BBQ + Tofu on old first street in Livermore.  OMG!  It was so freaking good.  The Korean Pancake, OMG!  I loved it!  It was so tasty.  The BBQ good.  The Fried Rice GOOD!  All of it was good. 

Then we went on a quest for Gelato.  We came up empty handed.  However, we did find a crumbles and had to have a little sampler!  Then it was time for bed!  What a great Saturday!!!


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