Sweat: the false profit

 Sweat: the false profit 

I am no workout expert.  I can’t coach it.  I can’t show you the right way to do it.  So, I’m going to try and say anything like that.  However, I have been training long enough and I know enough to know that sweat is a false profit.

What do I mean?  Just because your shirt isn’t drenched from top to bottom doesn’t mean that you did not have a great work out.  There could be a number of factors that kept your shirt dry.  

It could be you are a little dehydrated.  It could be that the conditions you are working f out are cooler than expected?  It’s 85 outside and I don’t have my AC on so, that could be it.  We are coming off days in the 100’s.  However the most likely factor was the desk fan that I had sitting on the dinner tray pointing right at my chest, blasting cool air in me.  

Let’s be clear I rocked my work out.  I went three for three on stars today!  That’s right.  I felt awesome in the saddle today and was able to crank through the workout.  I could do that thing I always do where I say well it wasn’t as hard or as long as last weeks, and this, that, and the other but I’m not gonna do that to myself.  Oh Dios Mio!  Did I just do that?  Well I didn’t mean too.  I kicked some serious ass today and I felt great about it too.  

Plus, I know I’m not dehydrated.  I live in fear of dehydration.  I drink an excess amount of water.  At least 88 ounces a day and usually more than that by another 30 ounces.  

When I started to get off the bike after crossing the finish line I noticed my shirt wasn’t very sweaty.  Last week when it got off it was gross and dripping with sweat.  Last week I didn’t have the little fan blasting at me on high.  No I would kept it on low then crank it up during the cool down.  Part of me wanted to crank it down to produce more shirt sweat today.   However, I realized how many times have I let sweat be a false profit.  How often have I felt bad about myself because I didn’t seem to sweat enough during a bike ride, walk, weight lifting session, or a swim.  Ok, so I’m joking about the swim, but not about the rest.  Too many times to count.

So, I wasn’t to let this false profit judge me or my work out.  The fact is I felt great on the bike.  I am the right balance of tired and feeling great after my workout.  I did good.  When I earned the main set star I even gave a big yell out because o was pumped that I did it.  Great work out accomplished.  Sweaty shirt or not sweaty shirt.

Plus, I know I worked hard and sweated a lot even with the fan.  I know this because when you take off your head band and it is really heavy, and you did t pour water over your head.  It has to be full of something.  Then you can literally ring the sweat out of it and watch water drip into your sink.  Ya, pretty gross, but you know you can’t just toss it in the laundry soaking wet.  Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.  Also, aren’t you contradicting your entire argument here?  Maybe I am, but I’m also just realizing sweat is a false profit so, it might take me a while to fully accept it.  

Great workout today (Monday) and great start to the week!


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