Three weeks has a way of flying by, live is like that, if you aren't careful you will blink and it will pass you by. That is why we have to do the best we can to appreciate each day we are given and make the most of our free time. I really can't tell you where the last three weeks went. What I can tell you is that on July 15, 2023 there was no way I wasn't going to be on my bike. I wanted to be on it, I wanted to ride. Time can fly by all it wants but not doing what you love makes it really hard. I missed my bike. So, even though temps were creeping into the 100's over the weekend, I was going out for a ride.
Representing my Home State of Indiana
Exile from the bike was always intended to end on the 15th. It was three weeks and a day post surgery. Overall, I am fully recovered. Everything feels back to normal for the most part. I find myself taking more baths still than I used too. That is ok though. David came up and we were supposed to do an hour and half ride. A nice little tour around the area to get me back into cycling. I should have probably planned route but I didn't. I just figured we would figure it out as we went and that is what we did.
I decided to wear my bike Indiana Jersey. I have personally have never really biked Indiana, but it is a goal. I used to do some riding in Bloomington, when I was in college. Not to much, it was a one summer thing. I had a Trek 2100. It was awesome. The issue with he jersey is it looks a little tighter on me then I would like it to be. Look no bike jerseys are flattering on a big guy, but this one is a little less so. However, when I ride in this jersey, it feels great. It doesn't slide up on the belly and unlike my 5x jerseys it doesn't catch my bike she when I try to stop and put my foot down. So, I think we can trade looking a little bit better for the functionality. I will have to check and see if the maker has any other jerseys worthy of me wearing.
I couldn't get a word in edge wise on Saturday morning when I was trying to talk to David about the route. Every time I opened my mouth he tried to predict what Iw as going to say. However, one thing that he said was going up Manning. I hadn't planned on doing any hills myself because it was my first ride back, and well it was going to be hot, but the idea of climbing always gets me a little excited. Also, coming down off Manning is awesome. It is a really nice downhill. So, I figured lets go up so we can come down.
I won't sit here and say that I attacked Manning and kicked its ass. I will say that we made it up in pretty good time. There were a couple of parts that were a little tougher for me because I had been off the bike. All and all we had a nice conversation going up.
Collier County Road is always a fund let of any ride. I don't mind going up it. It is a steady up. Coming down is fast and exciting. Manning ends at Carneal Road. Carneal ends at Collier County. So David and finished our climb and headed down Collier County. Something about the wind in your face and the speeds, which are fast but not to fast, it is just an awesome way to end a nice little climb like Manning. OMG... did I just call Manning a little climb. I guess I did. That is the way my brain is being programmed now. LOL! I was terrified to do it a second time, but now I think it is easy. I think I got issues. Well ok, I know I have issues.
You come off of Collier County near Los Positas College and we turned onto Portola. We found a parking lot in the shade and stopped at just over an hour and had our uncrustables. Nothing I love more than a little PB&J when I am out riding. We shot the breeze for a few minutes, I did some half hearted stretches, and then we kept going.
The goal was an hour and a half ride, I am not sure when we went to Manning that was every going to happen. It just puts us too far away from my house. However, I was ok going a little over. From Portola we started to head for home. We were already at the 1:15 mark or so, so I knew we weren't getting home in 15 minutes.
From Portola we went to First Street. It was the final push up Portola and there is a little up there, to First that I found the wall. Up to this point I felt fantastic. However, going up this last little up, I realized, I had been off the bike for a while and hadn't done anything for longer than 45 minutes in 3 weeks. I got a little tired. It was not bite me zone tired. I didn't cuss David. Not because I didn't want to. I always want to give him a good cussing. More because I was not in the bite me zone. I just was a little tired. I was probably at an hour and half or a little over at this point.
What are you going to do when you are still miles from home. You push on. So from First we went to Mines and went over the over pass, Mines to Patterson Pass. I got stopped at a stop light on Patterson and Greenville. Like I said I was tired, so I was sort of happy when I got stopped at first and wanted to take a little break. However, that little break suddenly became an annoyance because I couldn't get the light. one annoyance I have is trying to turn north on Greenville it is hard to get the lights. I thought about walking over and hitting the pedestrian button. However, I was tired and against my better judgement, I ran the light. I don't like doing that. I feel guilty writing it. I was very careful. I looked both ways and there was noting coming. Shame on me, I shouldn't have ran a red light.
From Greenville it is an easy ride home for the most part. I did have some bad luck on Patterson beside the stop light. We were riding along and all the sudden Cylon and I hit a piece of metal, I couldn't see in the shade. It was a long piece and it came up and hit me hard on the right shine. Then as I road on after making sure Cylon was ok, I almost ran over a giant piece of glass. It was a last minute swerve that got me around that. Then not to long after that I hit an Arizona ice tea can that had been all smashed up. Again, I didn't see it till I was on top of it, and I was in some loose rock so I didn't ant to swerve. All the sudden Cylon and I were more like a Sherman tank than a bike and rider. There was one other thing that I ran over, again very last notice and I couldn't get out of the way. I am was grateful for no flats. Although, at this point it was the end of the ride and we were almost home. Still, I don't like to run shit over. Although I seem to run a lot of stuff over. Luckily, no damage to rider or to Cylon. As David said when I hit the metal piece, first is the bike ok, second are you ok. LOL! Sort of the same way I felt. Both are doing just fine.

On Saturday I broke out my Jaws socks. They were a great addition to the ride :D I was feeling particularly passionate about riding and and a little ferocious as well :D So they were the perfect compliment to my Bike Indiana Jersey.
The rest of Saturday was chill. Other than when I was without power for about 3 or four hours. UGGGG when it is a100 outside not having power sucks. Luckily I got it back on in time for bed and had not issues on another 100 degree day Sunday. So far so good today, plus it is only supposed to be 96 today. I have an indoor ride scheduled this evening. I am pretty tired today after doing some resistance work yesterday for the first time in 3 weeks, but I think I can handle the ride tonight :D. Very excited that Exile has ended!
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