Found Fast



I am not sure why I have not said this before, it isn’t a secret or anything.  I meant to tell you, but  I think got busy and well I never formally announced it.  Anyway, here goes…


I hired a cycling coach and she is awesome!  In January I decided to sign up with Jennifer Hoban to help me complete my goals this year of doing a century ride, and climbing Mount Diablo.  For weeks I have been saying I have been paying for harder cycling workouts and Jenn is the person who has been giving those to me.  It is really cool because when I send up with her I also got access to her entire team and a Facebook group called Finding Fast. 


Maybe the coolest thing of all is that this pairs me with a former team and training teammate and one of my best friends again on the same team.  Rachel Greathouse has been working with Jenn for a few years.  Over that time Rachel has urged me to talk to Jenn and see how she could help me out.  I wasn’t really interested until last summer when I got back onto the bike.  Then when the cold and the rains hit California, I thought it would be a great idea to have some give me consistent workouts.  Then as I thought about what I wanted to accomplish this year, I realized that Rachel was I right I could use the help. 


I reached out to Jenn; we spoke for a while on the phone.  She helped me first pick out a really awesome smart trainer for my bike.  Enter the Neo.  Then we kept on talking about my goals. What I wanted to accomplish and howe she could help me get to where I wanted to be.  I realized she could really help me focus on the cycling and help me get up them hills.  She probably doesn’t know that I curse her name from time to time when the Neo and Zwift make for hard riding, but that is what make me better. 


Jenn is awesome!  She calls me after hard rides.  She comments on when I work hard.  She gives me great workouts that push me hard.  She has helped me get some updated gear, most of which I got on my bike myself.  That makes me super happy!  I am super excited about where this year is going to take me.  It is starting to get a little warmer outside too, so soon, Cylon and I will be back out on the roads and we will be guided by a great coach! 



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