Found Fast

I am not sure why I have not said this before, it isn’t a secret or anything. I meant to tell you, but I think got busy and well I never formally announced it. Anyway, here goes… I hired a cycling coach and she is awesome! In January I decided to sign up with Jennifer Hoban to help me complete my goals this year of doing a century ride, and climbing Mount Diablo. For weeks I have been saying I have been paying for harder cycling workouts and Jenn is the person who has been giving those to me. It is really cool because when I send up with her I also got access to her entire team and a Facebook group called Finding Fast. Maybe the coolest thing of all is that this pairs me with a former team and training teammate and one of my best friends again on the same team. Rachel Greathouse has been working with Jenn for a few years. Over that time Rachel has urged me to talk to Jenn and see how she...