
Billy b - ready for his first night out in a long time - 1/10/2023


I won't sit here and try to tell you that I am an expert on Happiness.  I am not.  I have been trying to follow the path of the Action for Happiness for a long time. It has been over four years because I found Action for Happiness when I was at my old company, and that will be 4 years ago in April.  However, I do listen, and I do try to follow the path.  This year (All 11 days of it) I have been walking the path.  I feel good and energized.  As part of my path right now, I am turning off the TV, setting down the phone and all screens every night at 9 p.m. and opening my journal and writing down my goals for tomorrow, what I am grateful for, and what negative thoughts I am having.  Then I open my bible. Now my bible isn't the good book you are thinking about, not rather is a book on the G.R.E.A.T.  D.R.E.AM.

The book itself is from one of the members of Action for Happiness.  

I read at least ten pages, usually more.  Again, I am no expert on any of the 10 keys to happiness.  However, I did find myself practicing one of them last night: Relating or another way to put it, connecting with other people. 

I needed to go last night.  I didn't want to go last night, but I did want to go.  It is the same story when it comes to the Kid anymore, I both want to be out in the world and I don't.  I want to get out and connect with others and I just want to sit at home with my dog.  It is Gollum and the ring all over again.  I love the people I was supposed to meet up with.  They were my California family for a long time, they worked for me for three years.  

However, on Monday when thinking about it the worries of my life came up.  Will work get in the way.  Will I eat to much.  Will I get sick from being out in public.  Will this happen, will that happen.  Should I just stay home just in case work needs me, or what if Kona gets lonely, or thinks I don't love her.  Etc... Etc... 

By the time I had finished my ten pages on Monday night, I knew the answer of what I was going to do and I knew why I was going to do it.  I was going to dinner.  Not just because I wanted to show off my new threads I had gotten for Christmas, but mainly because I needed to be relating.  I needed to connect with people.  More importantly, I needed to connect with my people.  My tribe.  My community.  So, that is what I did.  

It was a great night.  I ate some stuff, I really didn't think I would eat.  Thank you Fiery Shanghai, your food was awesome.  More than that though, I did get to connect and talk.  Laugh and remember the good times we had as team.  I really meant to take a picture of all of us together, but I remembered driving away.  

I think I might be growing up a little bit :D   


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