It took me a while to make up my mind and and finally pull the trigger on a Smart Trainer for my bike but I did it and went with a Tacx Neo 2T Smart Trainer.  It arrived here on Saturday night.  Today I took it to the bike shop and got the Cassette mounted on the Neo.  It wasn’t as easy as i made it sound.   

I called the shop.  They told me what I thought just come in with he Neo and the back tire, they would take care of everything else.  One day I will learn how to mount a cassette myself, but today wasn’t that day.  I had some work to get done and I don’t have all the tools either, so I figured I would get some help.  I mean Billy b Bike Mechanic has a great ring to it right.  I see myself with a mobile shop where I can go customer to customer working on their bike.  Wow, that would be a good life.   All bikes all the time.  Anyway, I digress.  

I drive to trek, I lug the big ass box into the store, and give it to Benji, who is freaking awesome.  Super nice guy and super helpful.  He took the bike back while I went back to get the back tire.  When, I get back inside Benji and the bike mechanic met me when Iw as back and asked me if I had the bike.  I said no, I didn’t think I needed it.  The Mechanic told me it would be easier if he had it so he could make sure all the gears worked and everything.  I told him no problem I lived about ten minutes away and really I think I do.  

However, as is my luck, I got behind a truck on the way home.  I swear this lawn drunk was reading my mind.  No matter where I wanted to go it seemed to get in that lane before I did.  Now I am not one to ever get road rage (And if you believe that let me sell you some insurance), I was not pleased.  Not like I was in a hurry or anything but I told the guy 10 minutes and I wanted to get back there.  So, 20 minutes later I got home.  

I grabbed Mr. Fuji and headed him out to the car.  I picked up the bike not paying much attention to what I was doing and put the bike in the car and I was like oh awesome I put it in the right way and the rings are up and not down on the carpet.  Then it hit me, rings are greasy.  If I had the rings up against my beautiful blue sweat shirt then I probably got grease all over me. I looked down and yes, all over my blue sweatshirt I had nice grease stains on it.  So, now, what to do.  

I took the sweatshirt off, I got my shout out and I went to work on the sweatshirt.  The only thing that took me ten minutes on this ten minute trip was me working on the sweatshirt with the shout.  I shouted out that those stains, or at least as best I could, then I dropped it in the washing machine.  Let’s hope it is comes out, it is on wash #2.

So, I think 30 minutes later I got back to the Trek shop. Kudos to the Trek store btw they were awesome. They helped out so much and only charged me 15 bucks for a cassette change. Benji you rock and bike Mechanic whatever your name was you did too.  They had to keep the bike for a few hours but that was ok, I had some stuff to do at home anyway.  So, I went back to get it this afternoon (see picture above) and then it was time to come home and mount it. 

Look how beautiful Mr. Fuji looks in the living room:

I am so excited I can’t wait to start using it… I think Wednesday will be my maiden voyage.  I am going to set up a Zwift account later.  Tomorrow a.m. I am going to work out with Clayton.  We have changed our sessions to 7 a.m. on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s now that I get up at 6 a.m. each day.  I am going to hate him tomorrow a.m. and probably cuss him more than once… I don’t think he has any idea what he has gotten himself into. However, Wednesday we get this party started.  I mean I did already get on there and do some pedaling b/c you know I had to :D

Super Excited!!!


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