Neo 3: Die Neo Die
What I see on the Zwift App, well that isn't me but what one sees
Do I hate my Neo? No, I don't hate it at all. Why then such a dramatic title to the blog entry? Sticking with sequel names like I did on the last entry, I decided to go with my favorite threequel or 3 movie title of all time, which is honestly a movie I have never seen and will probably never see, I just loved hearing how terrible the title was and that of course is Darkman: Die Darkman Die. I mean it is simple but amazing at the same time. It is the moment you see the series going from theater releases to straight to VHS. Who knows I might actually like Darkman: Die Darkman Die if I every stopped to watch it, but ya, I have waited this long and probably will keep on the list of things I never want to watch list. Afterall, the original Darkman did nothing for me. It was a let down of epic proportions.
So, I did my training this a.m. on Zwift + Neo combo. While, I won't sit here and say it was all sunshine and glory, I will say it was pretty great at least looking back on it at the time of writing that is how I feel about it. It was hard. So far all both workouts I have done have been really hard and challenging, which is good. That is what I want is to be challenged. However, there were times I felt like I was riding in cement this a.m. and I am not sure if it was because of the workout or b/c of the settings I was using, or if it was the course on the zwift I picked. I did this nice lava ride, that I though it would be cool to ride by some lava. I think I climbed up some hill. There were times I had to push really hard and I was like man, I think I am getting off.
It didn't help that Kona had a meltdown while I was in the saddle. I don't think she understood that I was not getting off the bike to play with her or deal with her cryinging. She never cries, but this a.m. she was. I think it was that hey dad, pay attention to me whining, either that or my body was giving off some serious I hate this workout scents. Or maybe it was b/c she had never seen me sweat like I was sweating because again the floods came. I think I was wetter than when I was walking her in the down poor.
However, no matter how hard it got, and how much it took me to push my rpms to the right amount I never quit. I won't like I might have thought about it, but I never did quit. I just kept going, even the couple of time I took my hands off the handle bars and used them to help push my legs. I really felt like I was outside climbing some hills. It was super cool.
I won't lie I might have lost my cool a few times and I found myself yelling at my NEO and I found my dog looking at me like I was a psycho. I mean I get it. I think I was a little angry with my neo and took it out on it when I was ok, we are to ride at a lower RPM, but why the hell did you just get harder to pedal through you no good son of a bitch. There might have been some bargaining too and maybe some pleading with it to ease up on my just a little bit. The Neo and the training program would not be bargained with and I just kept going. And I never quit.
I keep something on my desk and I lived it today:
Crawling is Acceptable
Falling Is Acceptable
Puking is Acceptable
Blood is Acceptable
Seat is Acceptable (Thank god b/c that was a huge 10/4)
Pain is Acceptable
And I didn't quite and it was a great workout, a great way to start my day !!!
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