Find three things you are looking forward to in the New Year?

Find three things you are looking forward to in the New Year?

  1. Riding - I Can’t wait to start riding on a regular schedule in 2023.  I have a rough outline of some tours that I want to do already in 2023, but that outline is very rough and can be updated at any moment.  As of riding that list of rides is weighted to the back half of 2023, but as ride dates get settled and websites get updated I’ll start hammering out a more serious bike schedule.  It is going to be a great year on the bike!
  2. Spending time with friends and family.  I already know that I’m going back to Arkansas in May for a graduation.  If it’s half as fun as my last trip there I’m in for a real treat.  Im also heading back for Indiana for the Indy 500 this year on the same trip I’m going to Arkansas.   So, that will be time well spent with with new friends and old friends and more time with the family.  Im really looking forward to that :)
  3. Continue my self-improvement and happiness goals into 2023.  Im looking forward to two personal challenges in the upcoming year:  1) following the action for happiness calendar and 2) taking on a 6 month new habits challenge from Derric Chew I found on Instagram.  Focusing on: 1) Waking up early; 2) writing down your thoughts before you go to bed; 3)learning an on-line skill for 30 minutes a day; 4) spend one hour a day exercising; 5)sit in silence for 10 minutes a day; 6)create a proper sleep schedule; 7) 30 minutes nature walk; 8) read 10 pages a day; 9)drink water at every meal.

        Some of these I already do.  Exercise, check, water check, decent sleep schedule, and some I really need help with.  I can do it though and looking forward to it.  He says do these for 6 months and you won’t recognize yourself and I’m hoping that is the case bc I want to continue to grow and change as a person.  2022 was such a significant year for me, and I plan 2023 to be better.  I won’t let the stress of work beat me down.  I won’t let apathy set in.  I’m really looking forward to the next steps in 2023.  


Billy b 

"When the spirits are low, when the day appears dark, when work becomes monotonous, when hope hardly seems worth having, just mount a bicycle and go out for a spin down the road, without a thought on anything but the ride you are taking."  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


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