The Maiden Voyage of the Silver Bullet


Billy and the Bullet

Introducing the Silver Bullet:

Van Nicholas

Titanium Built

De Badge Frame

54 CM

Ultegra di2 component

11 Speed

Cassette 11-34

Crank 50/34

10/18/2022 the day I pulled the trigger on a new bike.  New for me, it was a used bike that someone wasn't riding, but it was Titanium and that made me feel really good about it.  Titanium light but strong.  I am a man who needs himself a strong bike.  

I knew even before I bought the bike that I was going to name it the Silver Bullet.  how could you not.  That machine is super sweet and it is going to be fast, thus, it needs a name fitting for it, and what better than to name it after the best flavored water to every come out of the rockies?  

Although, I bough the bike on the 18th, life has a way of getting in the way of things.  Well life, and work, and oh ya the fact it is lower than 70 degrees now in California and I think it is the coldest winter ever.  So, the Bullet sat for a while until I was able to get her road ready.  

Added the new water bottle cages (Thanks Rachel)

Then I added the new peddles, not the original new peddles that I bought for it and accidently sent to the old Burkle house in Terre Haute (don't get me started on that), but the 2nd set of peddles I ordered from ebay and had sent to California this time. 

Then I had to add the saddle bag and handlebar tape (Thanks David) and really do you think I put the handle bar tape on there?  No, no, no... Thank for that too David.

Once all that got done it was time for the maiden voyage.  

David and I went out...

Riding a real road bike is different.  Mr. Fuji was awesome, don't get me wrong but he was a hybrid.  The angle was different.  I felt lower, but I liked it.  It felt so good to be back out on the bike. It was little chili outside.  However, once we got going it was great.  We were just going out for a little ride. 

Our little bike ride turned into a 14.78 mile ride, include 382 feet of elevation gain.    We took GreenBill to Telsa, Telsa to 4th street, 4th to first and first to scenic.  I know I am forgetting a road or two in there but you get the jest of it.  

I felt strong on the bike.  David said I was riding like a man possessed.  I just felt really good and was on a much lighter bike than before.  

So, the Bullet has electric shifting.  I didn't know how smart electric shifting was.  If you get into a low enough gear in the back of the bike, did you know that electric shifting would automatically shift your front ring.  What?!  I didn't know the Bullet was an automatic.  Going up GreenBill one, the damn bike moved from my big ring to my little ring in front for me.  That was awesome.  I didn't know it could do that.  Smart and looking awesome is my new bike.

It was a great first trip out and about on the bike.  I am super excited and can't wait for my next ride, which probably won't happen until after I get back from Turkey time.  

Mr. Fuji doesn't have anything to worry about.  I still gave him some TLC on Sunday as well.  We put a new seat on him.  I am probably going to get a trainer for him so that I can ride in my house.  That way, I don't have to worry about the weather outside right now and can still get some miles in on the bike.  

I am officially a two bike house now :D 


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