"I have ridden the mighty Moon Worm." - The Conclusion: What is Next


“Never Ignore Your Instinct And You Can Always Push Harder. I Get Inspired When I Think About People Who Have Pushed Their Bodies To The Limit” – Rachel Atherton

“Pain Is Still The Friend That Always Tells Me The Truth” – Chris Froome

"Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride" President John F. Kennedy

I told the Beav on the way to Bike the Bridges that I thought I might be a masochist.  By the end of this blog, you might just agree with me.  For, I have ridden the mighty Moon Worm, yes, but I don't want to stop there.  I want to climb higher, and father.  The hills call to me, asking me to come up.  

It can't be coincidence that while sitting in my doctors office he would encourage me to ride up a huge hill and that while we were standing at Bike the Bridges Beerfest that same hill would be discussed as a potential next challenge.   I think we call that in my experience KA.  

The truth is I want to push myself father and father on my bike.  

The truth is as much as it hurts, there is nothing I love more than goin up and over a hill.  

Cycling has become my go to activity.  I love it, maybe even more than swimming.  

So, coming up with a what's next list for 2023 wasn't really all that hard.  

Someone asked me not to long ago, why do I put this stuff into a blog, and not just put it in a diary?  This is part of the reason why.  When I say what I am say, I put it out into the world.  It becomes real.  It becomes something I can hold myself accountable too. It is something my friends can also help hold me accountable too.  Of course if me getting off my fat ass and getting on my bike, or in a pool, or lifting weights can inspire just one other person to do something good for themselves, then I won.  I become an influencer for good.  So, I am putting this out there, now.  For the whole world to see.  I mean they won't, maybe 10 people will read it, but that is ok too.  I also had a tri coach once who told me, that if you have a goal share it.  Let people know.  Put it out there.  So, here I go again.  Doing just that.  

Goal #1:  Crush the white whale - I road up to the summit of Del Valle, what I didn't do was finish off the white whale. I just angered it by playing around with it.  So, I am going to ride back up Del Valle, cruise to the bottom of it and ride up to the little shack that serves as the park entrance, then I am going to turn around and ride back up to the summit, and come back down.  Thus crushing the white whale.  I might be able to check this one off the list this year.  

15.6 miles

1,358 Feet of climbing

Goal #2:  Tour de Fuzz - Metric Century I am coming back for you..  It is to bad Mr Fuji broke or you would already be off my list.  Sorry, Beav, you are going to have to go back and do it again with me.  

62 Miles

2,800 Feet of climbing

Goal #3:  Ride a Century - 3F's here I come.  I am 99.9% sure it will be the 3F's in Sacramento, it also depends on what weekend that falls on, b/c there could be a conflict.  However, right now 3F's it is.  I have always wanted to check this off my bucket list.  Next year seems like as good as time as any right? 

100 Miles

534 Feet of climbing 

Look when you go that far, why go up, just go straight and flat :D  For once the Beav and I agree on something.

Goal #4:  The Deal with El Diablo

My cardiologist asked me if I have ever ridden Mount Diablo.  The answer was no, I can barely ride the little hills around me.  However, that started an itch in the back of my mind and I knew when he said it what I wanted to do.  What I wanted to do from the first time I stepped into the Livermore Trek store and picked up the MT Diablo Challenge card they had laying there.  I want to climb it on my bike.  So... Fuck it, lets do it.  I am going to do the Mt. Diablo Challenge in 2023.  There it is out there, it is in the world.  

Emily you said you would do it with me :D  David I expect you to do it with me too.  I have a year to work on you.  So be prepared for that.  

11.2 Miles

3,249 Feet of climbing  

What the fuck is wrong with me?  Masochist?  Maybe.  Wanting the next challenge definitely.  Wanting to climb more, certainly.   Lot of work to do between now and then. 

So, it begins... everything I do from this point until I get to the top of that mountain will be in preparation for what is next :)  



  1. Goal #1 - Del Valle - let’s do it. By end of May 2023 - multiples. Yes Multiples. If not sooner.
    Goal #2 - You need to be a true Fuzzie, enough said there
    Goal #3 - FFF or Tour de Sac both possible. Ride Ride Ride…. You can do it…..
    Goal #4 - You plan to Dance with the Devil in the pale moon light….
    Why are you stopping there Mr Masochist - The Gray Ghost is willing to take you on The Death Ride
    When: July 2023
    Where: California Alps (Monitor Pass, Ebbetts Pass & Carson Pass)
    Finish: Turtle Rock Park, near Markleeville, CA
    Distance 129 miles, 15,000 feet of climbing.


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