"I have ridden the mighty Moon Worm." - Part 1

Bike the Bridges 2022

"I have ridden the mighty Moon Worm."

- Al Gore*

"Good for him."

- Phillip J. Fry*


*From Futurama: Crimes of the Hot


"Black muddy river, roll on forever. 

I don't care how deep or wide if you've got another side
Roll muddy river, roll muddy river
Black muddy river, roll"

-       The Grateful Dead. Black Muddy River, In the Dark



Stop for a moment and see this in your mind’s eye. To men, both exhausted, driving back from Bike the Bridges. The two are about five miles from the passenger’s house. The passenger has become quiet as he looks out the window at the hills the separate Livermore and Tracey. He is thinking about how he has been up there and road those hills. He thinks about the hill he road today, but most he gets lost in the thought riding by those windmills. He stares off into the distance tired but pleased. Proud of his accomplishes from a week ago and proud of what he did today. The motion of the car has lulled him into a trance. Transporting him from the car, back to his bike, he is coming down Flynn Road at top speed.  The grin the splits his face could light up a dark star.  He has just conquered climbing the Altamont Pass and he is coming down wind blowing in his face.  Victory was his. “I have ridden the mighty moon worm.”



He is back in the car.  He feels the Drivers glance on him, and he looks over and the glance simply says “WTF?”



The passenger explains that he was back in the hills in front of him, that he had passed those very windmills, and rolling hills.  He had ridden to the very top and that the only thing that I could possibly come to his mind to express his accomplishment at that point in time was that “I have ridden the mighty moon worm.” He also explained that it wasn’t even original that he stole it from that ever so great creator of the environment Al Gore. Well not really Al Gore but kind of, you see he says that on a Futurama episode. The driver says oh like when he is just a talking head in a jar, and the passenger agrees. I really don’t have any words that convey the excite or the type of awe of what I did. So, I have ridden the mighty moon worm, is all I could come up with. They both shared a laugh in the M’s drive through when they stopped for a coffee and the passenger shared the video of the Futurama clip with the driver. The passenger added the best part of that is when Fry adds at the end “Good for Him”.  And Scene…



We come to the heart of the matter; I don’t feel like I have the words to express how awesome Bike the Bridges was.  Was there some controversy, yes, but we will get to that.  Was there some pain, yes, it is called a terrible head wind.  Was it hard, of course, but isn’t hard what makes it so worth it?  It was also beautiful.  Peaceful. Just plain and simply an awesome day, start to finish. 


Part I:  The Ride:


Let’s just put the stats out there from the Apple Watch…


Ride Time:  3:33:22

Distance:  31.74 Miles

Elevation Gained: 2,139 FT (Coospo had 2600, Strava for the Beav had 2300)


AVG Speed:  8.9 MPH

2 bridges crossed

2 bite me zone moments

1 Naraly Head Wind



The ride was fantastic.  The first 27 miles or so were damn near perfect.  The last 5 because of the head wind were harder than they needed to be, but that is just life. 


The ride started in downtown Benicia which is a gorgeous little town.  Really, super cool.  We started in a park called the First Street Green.  Fabulous.  Great view of the bay.  From there you ride out and head for the first bridge. 



I had never ridden across a bridge before.  The Benicia-Martinez Bridge will always be my first.  As we crossed the bridge, I forgot what exactly I was crossing over, so I broke out into song as we rode over.  “Black muddy river, roll on forever. I don't care how deep or wide if you've got another side. Roll muddy river, roll muddy river.  Black muddy river, roll” I sang my favorite Grateful Dead song because there for a minute I thought I was crossing a river.  Only later did I realize I was crossing the bay, and thus the song probably made little to no sense, however, I loved it.  I smile big and wide as we went across.  I enjoyed the cool air on my face.  Looking out into the water at the boats. I have a special relationship with water.  I am part Orca after all, they don’t call me the Black Fish in certain circles because I am a land lover. There was something about riding over the bridge that was just amazing. It took me to a very peaceful place.  Playing the Black Muddy River over and over in my head from the Dead didn’t hurt either. 



After the bridge all I remember is climbing.  Lots and lots of climbing.  It was good climbing though.  I think I realized on the way up the ride that I really like riding hills, and that probably makes me a masochist.    I think I told David either in the car on Friday or on Saturday that my love of hills made me a masochist.  He didn’t disagree with me.  Which makes me think perhaps I am going down a dark path here.  I wish I knew the name of the trail we rode.  It was gorgeous.  I really enjoyed it.  The scenery was fantastic.  The views from up on the heights looking over the bay.  I should have probably taken some photos, however, when you are locked into 30 miles of climbing you don’t want to stop for photos or at least I don’t. 



The trail was a complete tease too.  Every time you got to a peak, you started to come down.  So, you thought you had found the decent.  That the madness was over.  However, each time you came down, the trail took you back up.  There was never a moment when it felt when you were truly just coming down out of the hills.  It was a rolling up and down. I loved it.  I really did.  I am proud to report every rise, I made it up. There was not getting off the bike and pushing for me.  Although a few times, I thought I had met my match.



Like when I was climbing one nasty part.  Then I heard voices, they were coming from above me and I looked up and I saw people riding higher and higher above me.  I thought I was going to crap myself.  I had to go up there.  No way that was going to happen.  However, each time, I positioned my hands on the crossbars and I went deep into my mind, and I started to peddle and each time I made it to the top. 



16 Miles into the ride we came to the Maritime Academy rest area.  Wow, do they know how to put on a rest area.  First, excellent facilities to relieve oneself.  Second, amazing goodies.  I had my first PBJ in a very long time, OMG, it was so good.  Then we ventured over for a chocolate chip cookie.  Fantastic.  All the while we could enjoy a nice game of water polo going on in the Maritime pool.  I told the Beav that we should have had sailor outfits on for our bike gear b/c we were at the Maritime Academy, but he said he didn’t want to be dressed like a seaman or covered in it or something of this nature and I laughed out loud.  I am one who does love an inappropriate comment after all. 



I made the mistake of looking at my watch at this point and yes, we were 16 miles in, but we had only done 1,000 feet of climbing, which meant the back half of the ride was not going to be all downhill. I mean that meant if we had only climbed 1,000 according to the race website, we had another 1,300 to go.  DIOS MIO!  We were in for a long ride.  However, we would persevere, we had too, it was the only way back to the car.



The back half of the ride was really cool.  A lot of ups and downs.  A lot of climbing at least 1,100 feet depending on whose count you think is accurate.  There was one steep guy after the Maritime place.  It was on a street, that all I can think to call it is Shakedown Street, because we passed like three houses that were doing wake and bakes. My god, I love the smell of pot.  It smelled awesome.  When I climbed that steep bastard and got to the top, I let out a huge bellow of victory.  I didn’t realize some dude had just ridden up next to me and I probably popped his ear drum.



After that there was a really long climb.  It was freaking awesome.  It was a great challenge and I just kept going, and going, and going.  I rode a lot of it with my burst ear drum new friend.  However, like most people he dropped me, when the up really started.  It was ok.  I like to do hills alone in my own headspace.  The Beav was waiting for me at the top and we road on.



There were a couple of rollers after that and some great downhills.  I caught David on one hill, I think he let me go bye though.  However, it was the crowning achievement of my young cycling career to catch the Beav on a hill and go around him.  One of these times I will get him when he is trying.  Of course, he got me right back on the downhill.  I was very cautious on the down hills for the most part because, I didn’t know the area.  However, sometimes gravity just grabs me and pulls me down the hill and I start mow docking.  That is always fun for me to swing around the people that pass me going up.  I will always be faster going down than I am up.  Gravity just works that way on bigger objects.



The know I had two bite me zone moments.  I only remember one of them.  It was during one of the last few climbs and I suddenly felt something pushing me from behind.  It was my old friend the Wind God.  It had shown up after all to see me on my ride.  What I didn’t know was that when I took the next right, the Wind had a little something special in store for us and that was a nice big Fuck You to the finish. 



I don’t know what road it was I turned right onto.  I just know it was running parallel with the highway.  The wind kicked into overdrive.  It started howling like a banshee.    I am not sure why the Beav thought it would be a good idea to come over to me at this moment and start asking me about altitude.  However, the combination of seeing yet another climb in front of me and the head wind from hell hitting me in the face.  I was like Altitude?  However, I am sure it came out like HEY FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKER!  Then I quickly waved him away from me.  So, he peddled ahead of me, and I felt like an ass eventually because I had acted like one.  Beav you are a good dude for putting up with all my bullshit!  Thank you!



Then just like that we were heading back into Benicia and its lovely downtown.  We had done it.  For the first time in 10 plus years I had completed a bike ride.  I was super stoked.  


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