6-29-2022: 90 Minute Training Ride and why not some weights later on?


Training with Dragons

150 miles ridden since June 14, 2022 and training for Tour de Fuzz is underway for sure.  I am really proud of what I have done so far, we have a long way to go, but we are progressing.  That is a 150 miles ridden post getting Covid for the first time while being back in Indiana.  


I have ridden as little as 13.9 miles and as many as 31.5 miles so far.  However, I have to admit the 90 minutes I did today were by far the hardest and for the first time since being back on the bike after a 10 year absence my legs are saying "Really man, what the fuck!"  


They were good sports after the first 134 miles.  Perhaps the kicking drills yesterday at Master Swim might have them a little out of sorts.  It could also be putting in 31.5 miles on Monday.   However, in my opinion it was the climbing that really made them unhappy with me.  


I did four climbs today.  Each one progressively a little steeper and higher.  I know for most riders these things I call climbs might be considered rolling hills, but 1) I weigh twice as much as most riders, and 2) bite me.  Anything that is not going downward is a new challenge for me and I am enjoying the challenges. 


Climb 1:  Greenville Road - I first drove Climb 1 on Greenville on the way to a friend's house.  I knew the minute I drove over this hill leading to the Tesla intersection that I wanted to have this hill.  I wanted to climb it on my bike. I knew I was a good 6-8 months away from being able to ride my bike.  I was only 90 pounds down at the time,but something in me yearned to climb it.  I have climbed it at least 6 times now.  I have never stopped and got off the bike.  I have never walked it.  I just keep pedaling up on it until I get where I need to go.  There are four bike lane men painted in the bike lane between the start of the climb and then end of the climb. As I climb, I  count the bike lane guys.  It takes four bike lane guys to get to the top.  This helps me get up and over Climb 1.  This is about 100 feet of climbing for me.  Each time I Climb 1, it gets easier and every bike path I draw up has me going over Climb 1 and I will continue to do it until it is my bitch and I can talk dirty to it. 


Climb 2:  Greenville Road past Tesla.  I first drove this two weeks ago.  I try to drive all my bike routes, that way I can gauge how safe I think they are.  This influences when I go, if I am going to go with someone, etc…  This was an oh shit drive and I wasn’t sure if I could do it.  The first time I even planned to go up and out that way, I cried off and took another path.  Well on Monday I said bring it on.  So I did it as part of my 31.5 mile ride.  Then since I was trying to get in a shorter, more challenging ride today, it went back on the agenda.  


Climb 2 takes me from 710 feet to 832 feet or a 122 feet of climbing.  What is really messed up about this is it feels like a lot more than that and when you drive it it looks like that too.  


So we climbed it again today and we kicked it in its ass.  My legs weren’t as eager to go up it as they were on Monday, but we made it and the feeling of pride when you get up to the top can’t really be measured.  It was great. 


Climb 3:  What goes down must come back up.  When you get to the end of Greenville or to the top.  It goes back down.  The issue is that it goes down into a dead end.  Then you have to turn around and go back up.  I know what you are thinking, you just don’t go down, but hill climbing is what I am training for, so ya, I have to go down.  So you quickly go down and have a very steep, very short climb ahead of you.  I hate short and I hate steep.  Steep sucks.  However, I did it.  I climbed from the base of 712 back to 832 adding another 120 feet of climbing to my ride.  


When you come down Greenville back to Tesla, it is heaven.   It is a nice downhill.  It is fast, and fairly empty downhill, the wind is in your face and you are rolling 30 miles per hour, maybe faster if I didn’t ride the brakes.  I get scared easily.  I don’t have the need, the need for speed like some people do. I like coming down but trying to do it safely is my goal.  However, it is magic after working your ass off.  Having the wind cooling you down and just gliding free down the hill.  I usually let out a little cheer or a nice loud FUCK YA but zooming donw hill is marvelous.  Can’t get much better than coming back down Greenville to Tesla.


Climb 4: Cross Road.  Cross Road is a miserable unforgiving pain in my ass, and I both love it and hate it.  Sitting at Tesla and Greenville I tried to talk myself out of going right and taking Tesla to Cross.  I drove Cross again last night and I knew it was going to be hard.  When I put it in Mapmyride it told me it was going to be hard.  The road is not newly paved, it is old.  It is narrow, not super narrow but there is no bike lane.  I like bike lanes.  


Now that I have logged this as a work out in Mapmyride it has given me the hill stats for Cross Road.  Cross is a Category 5 hill.   The average grade is 2.3%.  You start climbing at 716 feet and end at 1,003 feet and you are climbing this for 2.3 miles and gaining 287 feet of altitude.  I just realized that doesn’t even include the final little gain at the end of the road that takes you up another 20 feet.  


I am riding this 2.3 miles cursing myself for choosing this route.  Hating this road because it is so unforgiving.  When I say unforgiving I mean that you go up, but you never really get to a flat place or a downhill. You just keep going up and up.  I am sitting on my bike seat thinking fuck the White Whale.  I am thinking about stopping, but on this narrow road there's no place to stop. 
Any driveway you see is gravel.  There are land squirrel holes everywhere.  I don’t care what anyone tells you where there are land squirrels there are snakes.  So, I am not stopping.  So, I rode on, and on, and on. 


When I finally got to the top, the sense of pride I had in myself was tremendous.  All the cussing was for not.  I made it, and I was awesome.  I AM AWESOME!  


Little did I know as I started to come down Cross and towards Patterson Pass, henceforth to be known as The Pass, that my journey was really just beginning.  That is because coming down Patterson Pass is fucking awesome.  It is basically 3 miles down hill at top speed.  I don’t remember what I topped out at but I did let myself enjoy gravity pulling me down.  It was great.  It made every push up the other side worth it.  I was moving fast, sweating my ass off, and loving every minute of it.  Now one of these days I am going to have to try and go up Patterson to Cross.  I don’t want to, but I need to, which really means I want too but it is going to be hard.  


After you are done riding, why not work our more a few hours later:


My legs hated me.  They hated me even more when my trainer showed up and we did squats and lunges.  It was exhausting.    Will seriously have to reconsider my workout schedule.  Trying to balance riding, swimming, and weights is tough for me right now.  I need to put some serious thought into how to make it all work.  I do have to admit, I was super proud of my workouts.  I am sore.  Not the type of sore that you can’t move around, but the sore that you get when you are super proud of working really hard and feel great soreness.      


Training is going great so far, I feel good.  I am super happy!



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