The Holiday 37,400


My beard isn't quite that white these days, but man do I have a lot of white in it.  It also isn't as long as how Santa is rocking his beard.  Also, I won't my mustache would l never twirl up like that on the ends.  However, I am a lean mean swimming machine this December.  I tried to limit my swimming this month, one of the colder months of the year.  However, I just can't do it.  I am swimming five days a week, and I love it.  I love seeing all the Christmas lights out on Tesla road on the way to pick up the girl.  I love swimming when it is foggy.  I love swimming when there is no business being out in the water because it is less than 50 degrees outside. However, you do what you love.  I love the water.  I love the swim.  

Also, I once had a Coach tell me if I wanted to do something, really do something, then write it out, tell who ever would listen and then go do it.  I took the approach with The Buddy System, but I have sort of shied away form it over the last few years.  Playing my hand close to my vest.  As, I work to sharpen my gift over the Holiday season and get back into a practice of writing and exploring my creativity, I couldn't really think of anything I wanted to express today other than my goal for the pool this month.

My goal is simple: 37,400 yards or about 21and 1/4 miles in the brisk December air.  As of right now I am 22% of the way to my goal.  I just have to keep swimming 5 days a week, which with the Holiday Gym schedule is no easy feet.  Plus I am stubborn and refuse to turn on my heat, so I sit around and freeze all day while I am working.  Thank god for socks and space heaters.  

My swimming over the last year has gotten a lot better.  Make no mistake I am still the slowest person in the pool, well unless the really old people are swimming, but normally, I am the slowest.  I don't care because I lose all sense of time and thought in the water.  It is just about getting the next set done.  As I take better and better care of myself, it is becomes easier and easier for me to move in the water and my speed is picking up.  One of my goals over the next three months is to pick up a swim coach to help me get even better in the water.  I am also going to target 500K yards next year in the pool.  I might just be crazy enough to pull that off.  


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