The Best Christmas Gift Ever...

It is December 7, so I have to wish a Happy Birthday to Mom Carol.  I love you Mom and I as Dad would hope up and down and scream “Have Man More!  Have Many More!”

Christmas time is that magical time of the year where we all get to sit back and reflect on all the wonderful things in our life.  For me it being December 7, it also means I am 6 movies into that crazy time of the year where I watch a Christmas Movie every day from December 1, to the end of the day on December 25.  

So far I have watched in the following order: 8-bit Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (cartoon), A Boy Called Chrstmas, Love Hard, El Camino Christmas, and Midnight at the Magnolia.  Also, I have been watching Hawkeye, which lets face it is going to MCU’s first Christmas Classic.  So far Love Hard is by far my favorite Holiday movie I watched this year.  There were a couple of parts that just made me laugh out loud.  I think it is a sweet movie as well, exactly what I want in a Holiday Movie.  Midnight at the Magnolia is really more of a New Year’s Eve movie and I will move it there in the future.  This movie had a lot of promise.  However, it was rushed, and while sweet it left something to be desired.  

Anyway, another Holiday Season and I am working to put myself into the Holiday Spirit.  I feel better than I have in years personally..  My life is rapidly changing around me.  I find myself really trying hard to maintain a positive mental attitude in work, life, whatever comes my way.  One thing I have also found myself doing this year is asking people repeatedly “What is the best Christmas Present you ever received?”  Funny thing is most people ignore the question and don’t really answer it.  However, I keep asking. 

As I ask and ask this question trying to find out what other peoples’ favorite gifts are, I find myself reflecting on what the greatest Christmas gift I ever received was.  Of course, when you are guilty of overthinking, like I am, you over analyze the questions and how to answerit?   For example when evaluating the question are you allowed to include  gifts you gave yourself?  Does it have to come from Santa Claus?  Your parents?  A loved one or just a friend? There are pros and cons for evaluating each type of gift.  However, I found myself and some people even agreeing a gift is a gift no matter if you gave it to yourself, or someone else did.  

So, as I stop and think about the myriad of gifts given over the years, which one ranks up there as the greatest Christmas Gift ever.  So many gifts over the years: The GI JOE USS FLAGG, Dyno Pro Comp, Blue Electric Guitar when I was ten, Washburn Classical Guitar when I was 22, Ewok Village, The Night Raven, the blue diamond pan, the wreath that I got in the mail last year, the ornaments from Hallmark, or the Colts Fleece. So many others that it is impossible to name.  All great gifts.  All cherished and loved.

The truth though I love all these gifts, there can only be one Best Christmas Gift ever.  When all is said and done, and all the thinking and over thinking is done.  It is really a very simple Q&A.  In 2016, I got myself the greatest gift anyone could have ever gotten me.  It is the gift that keeps on giving all year round and certainly for the last five years and I hope for the next 10 to 15 years to come.  

I had just moved into my new house.  I was ready to take the next step in my life.  So, for Christmas 2016, on December 22, 2016 to be exact I brought home the Best Christmas Gift I ever got in the form of Kona Koffee Burkle.  

What can I say about Kona Girl, other than from the moment I pulled over at SFO and opened the travel crate she was shipped in and coaxed her out of it, I have loved her without question.  Sure maybe the first night at 3 a.m. as she howled from that same travel crate, I wanted to start crying and send her back to Missouri, but I was in AFIB and significantly sleep deprived. She has only kept me up once at night since then and that was because she was in a lot of pain.   So, I will forgive her for both. Even when she tried to eat my running shoes I can forbie her for that.

Kona has become my best friend.  My closest confidant, and my ultimate partner in crime.  She is my workout buddy.  She is my let’s sit on the couch and watch the NFL buddy.  Also, she is the hey dad let's go out and get fresh air buddy.  While I think I am the boss and I have her trained, I think it is probably the other way around.  I totally spoil her rotten.  She is my only child, I feel like I have the right to do that.  

Somehow she is the greatest of companions, the sweetest little girl, the most stubborn person I have ever met all wrapped into one.  I wouldn’t want to imagine my life without her.  No, actually, I couldn’t imagine my life without her.  She is the Yin to my Yang.  She makes me want to be a better Doggy Dad. She makes me want to get off my ass and move.  What a wonderful Christmas Present she was.  One that gives and gives and each day is a new adventure with. 

It is your turn valid reader, as I return to holiday blogging, put in the comments what the best Holiday Gift you ever got was :D


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