It’s the 1,800 Pyramid

 It’s the 1,800 Pyramid

Tuesday’s have been pyramid day for a while now. I can’t remember when I started pyramids this fall, but I do love them and the challenge they present me in the water. It started at 1,000 yards and has grown to just over a mile.

The last two weeks have been hard cranking it up to 1,800. I’m pushing harder and harder in the water. Pushing this hard makes it hard for me to breath on my turns.

The 1,800 pyramid should be easy to track my laps. It’s simply lengths of the pool in the following order: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Easy right? No. Not easy at all bc my mind gets in the way of my tracking. I get all pissed off when the 60 year old man in lane 5 goes flying by me on his sprint, or when the older lady in lane three cruises on by. I get so frustrated I’m not faster regardless how hard I am working.

It’s easy for me to forget as far as I have come in the last year these folks are still half my size and I am still swimming for two people not one. So, instead of calling the guy in lane 5 a no good son of a bitch and rationalizing that while I swim several laps of freestyle with out stoping while he sprints one, rests for 30 seconds and then breast strokes back to the other wall, I have tried to take my mind off of it. Which’s hasn’t been easy.

I try to think of something that keeps my mind on the lap I am. I always count laps in descending order. So if I’m at the mid point of my 1,800 pyramid and I’m doing a 300 it would go something like this…

12… big 12 soon to be defunct, the league is never going to make it. No matter what 12 teams they have. Kansas should take there basketball team from the big 12 to the Big 10.

11…. When I was 11 I had a great summer. We won the Dixie Bee league tourney. We only lost 1 game all year. We were pretty awesome. The 11 year old summer was a good one. What a fun team.

10…. I grew up in Big 10 country. I went to a big 10 school

9…. 9 for mortal men, doomed to die. 9 ring wraiths or riders in black. Love me some Nazgul

8…. 8-2 2-8 no we don’t think that way any more. 8th grade? Shitty year. Episode 8 some say shitty movie. 8… 8… what’s good with the number 8?

7…. 7 for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone… 7th grade brother shaved my eyebrow off before it started. 7, 7, what’s else with 7

6…. Jedi Episode 6 is Jedi

5…. Empire…. The greatest of all the episodes is episode 5. The Empire Strikes Back

4…. The final four…

3…. Only 3 more to go…

2…. At this point we stop counting bc it’s a simple down and back and we are done

However like I said, tonight was hard. The turns weren’t smooth. The breathing was off. I needed something extra. Jen was swimming circles around me on my left and old guy on the right just annoys me at times.

So… at the middle or top of the pyramid tonight I got to 8 and I knew what I needed.

8…. The Last Jedi. I liked it. It’s the only true sci-fi Star Wars movie. The rest is space opera. I get why people hate on it, it doesn’t follow the formula. Episode 8 like it or hate it it is here.

7…. Force Awakens …. A little Episode 7 how cool was that when it came out. Man I was nuts for it.

6…. Episode 6 - Jedi … fucking classic. Ding and I saw it 12 times in theaters abs we could recite it word for word. I love Return of the Jedi.

5…. Empire - the best. Enough said.

4…. Episode 4 - new hope. Love it!

3…. Sith - Episode 3 the best of the prequel bunch.

2…. Clowns… Episode 2… the worst of them all. I can’t stand the Anikin scenes. Barf… and I even like bad romance movies.

1…. Menace… Episode 1… Dual of Fates one of the greatest lightsaber battles ever. The fall of Qui-gon and the halving of Maul.

I even got to point tonight that I was calling the 200 I had left the Last Jedi set bc 8 laps for Episode 8. The 150 I had left the Jedi set bc of 6 laps and Episode 6. The Star Wars set for episode 4 and 4 laps. The clowns set for 2 laps for episode 2 for attack of the clones which o call clowns bc the movie is a big mess of a joke.

And that’s my 1,800 pyramid in a nutshell and a look inside my warped mind and what gets me through my workouts.



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