The day after...

 America had a chance to take back its democracy yesterday, it had a chance to come out and say we don’t stand for hate, inequality, tyrants, and bullies.  If and that is a big if Mr. Biden finds a way to scratch and claw out a victory over the next few days of counting, America failed in everyway to stand up and show what it was made out of.  Yes, I know we are a country that is divided.  However, I didn’t realize how much common decency was missing in America.   


I am not Mr. Left wing.  I often used to joke I was a socialist at heart, but the truth is I am not.  I have very strong believes about a few key topics which usually makes me lean to the left.  One I believe that women have the right to choose.  l stand with the rights for all to be treated as equals.  I mean after all we are all one race and that is human race.  Don’t mess with the rights of LGBTQIA+. I stand with racial equality, defunding the police, and making this country safe for all of its citizens.  Finally, and I can’t even believe that I have to say this I am for good common sense when it comes to our health.  Where a mask, take precautions when it comes to the pandemic, we are in.  As, much as this should not even be a political agenda it is.  I am a high-risk person for Covid.  With my weight, diabetes, my heart condition and 90-year-old man lungs there is a good chance if I get that, I am not coming out the other side.  Be safe idiots. 


I voted Democrat yesterday and I did it for the reasons I listed above.  Even though I told myself that Trump would probably win this thing, and they would probably retain the Senate, I let myself believe in the last four years people had been taking notice.  Taking notice that a man was running this country that you wouldn’t want anywhere near your children.  A man who you would without question take a hammer to his fingers so he would stop tweeting.  A man who if he would just shut up, say black lives mattered, and admit he screwed up on the virus instead of trying to lie and say it is going away as cases continue to climb around the country and the world, then perhaps this election wouldn’t have been close.  The man is a bully, we can smell our own kind, and I can smell Trump a mile away.  I am not proud of it, but I played the part of bully at times growing up.  I have spent much of the last 25 years regretting that, but I learned from my mistakes.  I can take a step outside of myself and say wait a minute here, you aren’t being cool or kind in this situation.  So, yes, I know bullies when I see them, I have known several in my life and he is most certainly one. 


I look at his rants and tweets and wonder what it must be like to be so far removed from reality.  Watching the debates, I wondered what he was talking about half the time and to who.  He plays the role of the good moral individual but at the end of the day he is a bigot, misogynistic, liar who have a cult following like I have never seen.  As a lover of history, the only thing I know to compare this to is the infatuation the German’s had with Hitler. 


I sat there last night feeling helpless listening to this man try to destroy our democracy.  Telling people to stop counting votes in states where he was leading and to keep counting votes in states where he was losing.  You know where you hear that?  You hear in countries where the leader is absolute.  Where there is no democratic process.  Where there is no free media, by the way since the first day in office Donald Trump has tried and destroy Freedom of Speech.  If he wins then he wins, there isn’t a lot I can do about that.  However, win fairly.  Win when all the votes are counted.  Don’t invoke lawyers and courts because you don’t like the way things are going.  Especially, when the bulk of people who voted by mail in ballot where democrats because they are actually concerned for others and afraid of this virus. 


This has been his game for four years.  For four years he has done nothing but divide our country further and further.  Is fake news 100% Donald Trumps fault.  No, it isn’t, but he sure hasn’t helped along the way.  If someone is against him, he doesn’t listen to them, try to understand their point of view.  Instead he sets out to destroy them.  He calls them names and picks on them.  He lies and manipulates his way into his own truth. 


The really sad thing is that I honestly believe in his mind he thinks that this election is being stolen from him.  This election that no one has won because all of the votes haven’t been counted.  He is a paranoid delusional person who has surrounded himself with ass kissers and coat tail riders.  They feed the delusion.  This is the “leader of the free world” and he doesn’t believe in the democratic process.  Which brings me back to my original point.  Sixty-seven million Americans gave him a license to continue to act this same way for the next 4 years.  That makes me angry.  It makes me sad.  It makes me wonder what happened to this Democracy.  Most of all it makes me wonder what happened to our decency.  End of the day we don’t know who won this election but I am quite sure I know who lost and that was the American. 


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