Almost a week later…


The dust is settling on the 2020 election.  It appears we have a clear winner in Joe Biden, and he is acting very presidential.  This is not a huge surprise to me.  Donald Trump on the other hand is still doing what he does best spewing divisiveness, assaulting our democratic process, and attacking the media.  Gods forbid an independent and free 3rd party such as the free press in the United States to call the results of an open and fair election. 


Personally, I think Donald should act like an adult.  Admit he lost, and move on, exit stage left man, have a little bit of dignity.  Do not go out throwing a tantrum.  I understand that is a really hard request, but should it be? Really?  You are the leader of the free world and your acting like an absolute douche bag.  You are embarrassment to the office, and you don’t deserve the loyalty your cultist gives you. 


The one thing I keep hearing over and over is that Joe Biden is a socialist.  The core principle of socialism is the government-controlled industry or nationalizing industry, I have never once seen Joe Biden call for the nationalizing of industry in America.  This is a Republican attack on more liberal policies such as higher business taxes and medical care for everyone.  Which, when you break it down, doesn’t it make sense that a first world country should be able to offer healthcare to all of its people?  Does it not make sense if you are a business making a lot of money that you can pay a little more in taxes.  Yes, Biden will push a more progressive agenda over the next four year, but the areas of focus will be education, medical care, minimum wage and a larger middle class, climate, immigration, and criminal justice.  Glancing through the document I saw nothing that encouraged state ownership of industry.  Progressive policies yes, but full out right socialism, no. 


Finally, and this will be my last political rant (or so I hope for a long time) I think we all have a lot of learning and growing to do.  Democrat or Republican, we can all be a little bit better.  We need to become one race of being.  We need to support LGBTQ and full rights and privileges for them.  We need to end racism in our country.  This is hard, it will be a long hard road.  However, we start with admitting Black Lives Matter.  We make this a country and a world no one gets discriminated by the color of their skin.  We look beyond people’s religious beliefs.  We don’t have to agree with them, but we should respect them.  As humans we can think.  Therefore, we have the ability to believe in something beyond ourselves.  It is our right and it is our freedom to do so without fear of persecution.  I have lived and I know personally that the people and places are made better by diversity.  That we have to be warriors for our planet.  This is the one place got, the one place in the known universe that was able to give us life, and we have to treat it with respect.  As Americans we have to realize that the world is bigger than our boarders.  Everyday the world becomes smaller and smaller.  We have to look to being one race and one group and the at is the Human Race. 



  1. AMEN Bill. I love it. Truth, beyond individualistic, tribal perspective. It's never us and them. It's just us. <3


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