And then there was 10…

 And then there was 10…

From the Classic Sci-fi List, I have now cleared 68 of the 78 movies I needed to watch for me to be able to say I have seen the top 100 Sci-fi movies of all time.  Basically, that means at a minimum since May 30th of this year I have watched at least 61 movies.  I say at a minimum because not every movie I have watched since May 30th came from the Sci-fi movie list I made.  I have written about 3 alone that would not have come from that list. I think in the last two months I have watched close to 80 movies.  However, that isn’t the point, the point is through viewing and not all of it pleasant viewing I got myself to the final 10.  I will have to note that 7 of the movies I couldn’t watch, or I passed on, and only one did I turn off. 


I couldn’t find the following movies streaming:  Strange Days, Paprika, Fahrenheit 451, and Ikarie XB-1.  I was bummed about three of the four.  I am not going to lie I had little to no interest in Fahrenheit 451.  Strange Days I have wanted to see since it came out in 99, I think, so that one hurt.  The other two were anime, so I think I would have at least enjoyed them, if not thinking they were great movies.  I have been surprised that most of the anime if not all of it I have watched don this list has let me down.   However, that is a story for another day.   


Three of the movies I refused to watch, is more of a timing issue than not wanting to see them, well I think that is correct.  Star Trek: First Contact, I definitely want to see.  However, it has to do with Star Trek: The Next Generation and I have not finished that show or watched the other movies yet.  I have started TNG and I dig it, but I have not been able to watch it all.  I think that is important before you jump into a movie about those characters.  The other two movies I passed on where from the Hunger Games movies.  I haven’t read the Hunger Games, I probably won’t at this point, and I can’t really decide if I want to watch them or not.  I feel no matter what happens with them, I will never understand all the hype around them, or why people loved them so much.  It is probably the same reason I have never read or watched Harry Potter, the buildup of how fabulous they are is just so high, how can it ever be that great in my mind.  Perhaps, I just want to be stubborn and not watch or read them. 


I am excited for the final 10:


-          Solaris (72)

-          Children of Men

-          Arrival

-          Iron Giant

-          A Trip to the Moon

-          Forbidden Planet

-          The Day the Earth Stood Still (51)

-          Logan’s Run

-          Invasion of the Body Snatchers (58)

-          Wall-E


If I went hard core, I could close these out next weekend, 10 movies in a weekend ain’t not thin for me.  I guess I should not brag about that.  Damn you Covid-19 for turning me into a recluse, damn you and the horse that you road in on.  However, when you are single, in a pandemic, and you are more than happy to be a recluse you have more time to watch movies.   This might be a two or three weekend endeavor.  I think I am most excited for Children of Men, I wanted to watch that since first seeing the trailer.  Logan’s Run is another one I really want to see.  Let’s not forget about Arrival I thought that looked BA when it came out as well.  Solaris (72) is subtitles and it always worries me, watching some subtitled movies can be a lot of work.  Damn you Clooney and your excellent hair for not making a Solaris that was better than the original so I could just watch that in English.  Wall-E I was really excited about it, but I feel like I tried to watch it once and I stopped, so that gives me some pause.  Anyway, I hope all 10 are awesome viewing experiences. 


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