Time Freak - a freaking good show... that was lame wasn't it

Time Freak

Written by: Andrew Bowler
Directed by: Andrew Bowler
Starring: Asa Butterfield, Sophie Turner, Skyler Gisondo

Some times you have to take a break from trying to make up for more than 50 years of sci-fi in a few months. So after watching Repo Man, which, I quite liked even if at times I was confused about how science fiction plot fit in and why it was there. Last night (Friday June 26, 2020) I turned on a movie that caught my eye from Amazon Prime: Time Freak.

Most people will think this movie caught my eye because of Sophie Turner from Game I’d Thrones fame or X-men. The truth though she was more of a detractor for me because I’m not a fan. I think she plays a bad Jean Grey probably more a symptom of bad X-men movies than her though. Why I really can’t stand her though is because she is Sansa Stark. I hate Sansa Stark. Therefor I hate Sophie Turner. I know my logic is flawed. She played Sansa a little to well. As a reader of the GOT books I hold Sansa at fault for the fall of the house of Stark and most of the madness that comes to the 7 Kingdoms. This is an entirely different argument for a different day though. I will say though throughout this movie I didn’t see Sophie or Sansa I just saw her character and thought her role and relationship with Asa help me really enjoy this movie.

The real reason I wanted to watch the movie was 1) time travel and 2) Asa and Skyler. I think I have written it before that I’m a big Asa Butterfield fan. I first saw him in Merlin and have been rooting for him ever since. I also quite liked him in “The Space Between Us” another sci-fi / romance flick. I have Ender’s Game in my mist to watch with him in it and one of these days I’ll venture into Sex Education. I also wanted him to be the new Peter Parker. I was totally in his corner. It made sense to me. Now I can’t imagine anyone but Tom Holland in the role. I think things worked out for the best.

My boy Skyler took over playing a young Shawn Spencer on Psych in 2010. While I’ve always preferred Liam James as your Shawn, Skyler grew on me and I fully except him as a young Shawn Spencer. One thing I should note I’m always rooting for actors from series I’ve watched as well. Much like our friend Asa, Skyler is another actor from a show I enjoyed that I love to see him show up in other places and doing well. Same thing I do with the likes of Sean William Scott or Katie Cassidy when I first saw her on Supernatural. I still need to watch him in Vacation reboot, as well as the Santa Clarita Diet, and the Feast I’d the Seven Fishes, but I’m tracking the things I will watch because he shows up in them. Well now if I’m being perfectly honest if and win I do watch the Santa Clarita Diet it will because of the love I still have for Drew Barrymore, you never get over your first loves. Also, the man crush I have on Timothy Olyphant. I’m not ashamed to admit a man crush. Olyphant has great hair and he is just so fucking cool, especially in Justified. This must be the week for distressing in these reviews. Shall we get back to it?

This movie really comes down to a few things. Having faith in someone you love. Your ability to grow from your mistakes. The importance of one being able to live their best life and living it free. The premise of the movie is that a genius uses his brains to build a time machine to try and fix his relationship with the girl of his dreams and enlists his best friend to help him do it.

I am a dreamer. I believe fully that life doesn’t come with a resent button because if it did then you wouldn’t learn anything. You would be able to say this mistake or that instance really changed me and made me grow up. I think this is one thing our hero in the movie could spend some time doing. What is the old saying “if you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, then it never was.” At 44 there are so many times in my life I wish I could just hit reset. Change something I did. Had the right words to say. Etc... if you are living for the past are you really living? I believe each day is a lesson. We are here in this meat suit to learn something. If you don’t live and lose you don’t ever really live you? You can’t enjoy pleasure without pain. The hurt you experience when you lose a love is what makes being in love so special. Or that is what I believe. I think the hero forgets this. I can relate with his character I have very little faith or trust in myself. I can understand his jealous and his rage that is buried under the surface. That is hard to get out and communicate. I would have reacted the same way in some situations. That’s ok. It makes you better the next time around.

The movie spoke to me about life. Maybe I’m making it deeper than it really was and over thinking it. However, the premise was there and I really appreciated it.

I find the method of time travel in this movie to be very cool. Instead of someone physically going back in time only there conscious does and only for a certain period of time. To me this was super cool and something I want to think more about. Does this create paradox free time travel? I’ll have to think about this and then find someone smart who can really think about it.

I liked this movie a lot. More than most. I think it’s fun. It made me think which I always appreciate. It had actors I liked and a good hero’s journey. It was a great way to spend a Friday night and it’s worth a watch. Especially since it’s free on Prime now for members.

Billy b


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