The first 22 cleared off the classics to watch list....

I am not going to sit here and say it was easy to clear the first 22 from the Classic Moive Watch list I came up with, however, we have come a long way in a few weeks.  We are 22 movies into the 80 movie list.  At times I struggle with what I want to watch vs. wanting to get through this list.  Perhaps I am pushing to hard.  Still love the movies, but not loving it as much as when we started.  There are some real gems on this list but things I thought were dudes as well.  I think the list is not for the Sci-fi faint of heart.  If we keep the current pace up and with it getting hotter and hotter in California I don't see why we wouldn't we should clear the list by the end of next month.  There are three or four movies on the lit I won't be watching.  For example Star Trek:  First Contact will have to wait until I have watched all of Star Trek: The Next Generation.  Hunger Games and Hunger Games:  Catching Fire will have to wait  until I decide I am or am not going to give in and watch them. I have heald out this long on Harry Potter, why can't I holding out on Hunger Games.     

The list can be found here:



New Rank

Watch Order


Where to Watch

Watch Status





The Congress

AmazonPrime (Rental)


Interesting concept, well executed, definitely worth the time.   I am also thinking a little weed and or some psychedelics would have made it even better, it gets a bit trippy at times. 





AmazonPrime (Rental)


Wasn't interested in this at all, thought it was going to be a cheap horror movie, but it was much better than I anticipated.  If you love Sci-fi and a few freaky twists it is worth the watch.




Pacific Rim

AmazonPrime (Rental)


A movie I had wanted to see for a long time.  I am a big Charlie Hunnam fan, he is one bad ass Samcrow.  Also a big Idris fan, so take him and Charlie mix them in with some big ass robots and monsters and you have yourself a movie. I also adore Rinko Kikuchi, she is beyond beautiful, so that makes it a watch all on its own. 





AmazonPrime (Rental)

Take it or Leave it

David Cronenberg's first of three movies on this list and by far the one I liked the least.  Maybe it is personal preference but I like my BDSM movies and my Sci-fi movies separate.  My main take away from this movie really was the BDSM, I couldn't make that up, and while I am not a huge fan of it in real life, I am certainly not a fan of it in a movie.  I think this entire movie was a Hollywood rated R snuff want-a-be.  Now don't get me wrong the ideas portrayed in the movies and the real main theme is 1) scary as hell, and 2) pretty bad ass.  Also, I felt like I watching a b movie the entire time.  It was old and dirty and really didn't age well.





AmazonPrime (Rental)


David Cronenberg's 2nd movie I watched, actually on the same day all be it with something in between was a much better experience for me.  It was also shot almost 20 years later so it definitely aged better.  The plot was also a lot cooler like the matrix meets Ready Player One with a young Jude Law as our hero.  He plays well with Jennifer Jason Leigh and I approve of there tag team.  The movie is messy, not like shot messy, there is just a lot of gore, goop, and grossness.  I like the story, it kept me interested all the way through.  I found it over all very entertaining. 




Strange Days

Not Streaming


This one hurts,  I have wanted to watch this movie for a long time and I am bummed it isn't streaming.  Or at least not where I can fine. 




Silent Running

AmazonPrime (Rental)

Take it or Leave it

I know this is probably blasphemy but this is a take it or leave it for me b/c I just can't recommend in good conscious.  The movie was boring to me, which doesn't mean I hated it, I just wouldn't watch it again.  I love the moral struggles of the movie.  I understand the hero's journey.  I really like Heuy, Dewey, and Louie.  It might be the only time in a movie I have seen that I actually like Bruce Dern's character.  Notice I don't say acting, the man can act, but I have never loved the people he has played.  I haven't seen Nebraska or the Burbs and all right it might just be because he terrified in Into the Badlands who knows.  From a pure Sci-fi point of view I say Watch b/c it is a good Sci-fi movie from if one of my friends actually takes my recommendation and you don't fully love Sci-fi I don't want to hear about how nothing happened.    





AmazonPrime (Rental)


Fat guy gets a hot girl!  I love this movie and there is still hope for me.  Animated movie about dreams and being in other peoples dreams very cool.  I am really considering moving this up to a must watch because I like it that much.   




War of the Worlds (53)

AmazonPrime (Rental)


There is nothing like a classic.  Wow, I really liked this movie.  Much better in my opinion than the Tom Cruise version.  Good effects for an old school film.  I would definitely watch this one again.




They Live

AmazonPrime (Rental)


32 years late to the party.  When it first came out I was a huge fan of the Rowdy Scot but I was scared of skeleton looking creatures.  The world has changed a lot for me since I was 12.  I liked the movie.  I like the message about greed and consumerism.  Is Hot Rod the best actor ever, no, but was the fight between him and Keith David epic, hell yes, worth the price of admission if you will. 





AmazonPrime (Rental)


Another classic that I think stands the test of time.  Nothing really like the HBO show which the first season was fucking epic in my mind. Other than the whole robots go crazy and kill park visitors things.   However, both have their own unique qualities that make them very likeable.  I think I prefer the movie though but I am not married to that just yet. 





AmazonPrime (Rental)

Must Watch

Wow… time travel paradox be damned.  This movie kept me reeled in from start to finish and I went to bed thinking about it that night, which in my mind is the sign of a great movie.





AmazonPrime (Rental)


I am not a Jeff Bridges fan.  I think he scared me in The Vanishing and kept me looking over my shoulder after watching it.  Then again, it could have been Tron that made me not like him.  I want to be a huge fan of Tron but I am not.  I did love Bridges as the Dude and I think that is still one of the best movies I have ever scene.  Starman well Starman I liked.  It is the adult version of ET.  Bridges performance is incredible, truly one of the ages. Karen Allen is always a pleasure to see in a movie was pretty good too.  It was a fun movie, well done, and belongs on the classic list.  Although there is no doubt in my mind Colombia pictures screwed up when they chose to make this Alien movie over that other one. 




Time Crimes

AmazonPrime (Rental)


SUBTITLES!!!!!  What?  SUBTITLES!!!! That isn't really what I think about when I think about Time Crimes but there are subtitles to deal with for this one.  If you are ok with that this is actually an interesting film.  Well made, hot girl, good plot, perhaps a paradox or two.  As my main man Farnsworth once said "I know a paradox when I see one."  LOL...  Get over it, read the subtitles it is worth it. It might just bend your mind a little.





AmazonPrime (Rental)


Oh, I want to love this one.  I do appreciate it.  I think it is really, really well done.  It is long though. Oh and what did I say above SUBTITLES!  2 hours and 45 minutes of them.  It was a lot to get through in my opinion.  All these are one man's opinion who is on a serious Sci-fi bender, I am pretty sure I am into the 90's now of Sci-fi movies watched since the world went to shit. This one is worth watching if you are into Sci-fi if you are just looking for a good movie to pass a few hours I'd recommend something else....





AmazonPrime (Rental)


I actually quiet enjoyed this movie.  Perfect end of the week Friday night movie.  To through on and lose yourself in for a few hours.  I think this is only the 3rd Kate Capshaw movie I have seen so that was fun.  Denis Quad played a nice hero and good to see him go up against Captain Von Trapp and Sully from Commando.  The graphics are aged but who cares it was a fun movie.




Fantastic Planet

AmazonPrime (Rental)

Take it or Leave it

Well here is my second time committing blasphemy on this list.  I found this movie visually amazing.  I found the story ok but I think it was the longest hour of my life.  Maybe it is because I watched it back to back with Stalker, I don't know.  I was tired of reading by that, or ready to go outside on a Saturday afternoon, but I just wouldn't really recommend this movie, unless I did it to the new Sci-fi group I joined on face book.  I think they would appreciate it.  I think my day to day readers wouldn't.




Fahrenheit 451 

Not Streaming


I was ok not finding this on my streaming channels.  I know it is a classic but wasn't in a hurry to watch it.





AmazonPrime (Rental)


David Cronenberg's  3rd movie on this list was my favorite by him that I have seen so far.  I have a few more I want to see, but Scanners was legit.  I spent most of my life being terrified of the VHS cover.  I remember seeing it in a video store in the 80's and telling myself I will never ever know what that movie is about.  Then the world moved on and I realized it wasn't a horror movie.  So I watched it and I really liked it.  It held up in my opinion through the years.  Always good to see Michael Ironside in a movie.  I love me some Ham Tyler. 





AmazonPrime (Rental)


Western in Space.  Sean Connery is the lone good man on Io space station and he isn't going to take any shite from anyone.




Dark Star

AmazonPrime (Rental)


Probably the third blasphemy on this list.  I couldn't make it through this.  I tried but I was bored to tears.  I find it super interesting that the co-writer on this would use this movie as inspiration to write one of truly great Sci-fi movies of all time Alien.




Turbo Kid

AmazonPrime (Included)

Must Watch

I kept thinking I must be watching a Tarantino movie with all the gushing blood in this movie.  I mean there is blood every where in it.  I found the plot compelling and original.  The characters kicked ass and were a bit cheezie at the same time.  Michael Ironside played the villain, so you can't go wrong there.  It was a good watch and understand why it gets such high marks on Rotten Tomatoes.


Billy b       


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