Knives Out - not needed or asked for review

Knives Out

Written by: Rian Johnson
Directed by: Rian Johnson
Starring: Daniel Craig, Ana de Armas, Chris Evans, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Katherine Langford, Don Johnson, Toni Collette, LaKeith Stanfield, Jaedon Martell, and Christopher Plummer
Status: Must Watch
Available on: AmazonPrime currently on PrimeVideo

Normally you see a cast like this and shake your head because it will never be able to live up to the billing of all the stars. You just shake your head and say this is a great ensemble but is it really a waist, a gimmick to fill seats. Most will play just a few minute cameo, there isn’t possible enough screen time for all of them. However in this motion picture Rian Johnson weaves something very special together here. Using each actor not as a cameo but as a means to move the story forward. This cast, this crew, and this director deliver one of the most original stories I’ve seen in a long time. Knives Out will be going into my favorite movie lists going forward.

The IMDb rating of 7.9 I don’t get. Honestly, what movie were those folks watching. I’m wondering if haters still from the Last Jedi are stilling raining on Johnson’s parade? Are the internet trolls just hating? Look The Last Jedi no matter how you want to argue it was a good film, no it didn’t follow the magical Star Wars formula but it doesn’t matter. It was a good Movie. All Rian Johnson has done is made good movies. Leave the guy alone. Now if you look at Rotten Tomatoes Knives out gets an astonishing 97% fresh score from critics and a 92% rating from fans. That is more like it. This is a great movie that keeps you in the edge of your seat. It makes you laugh, it makes you nervous, it delivers an entire range of feelings and that is why it’s so great.

In my opinion this movie is really about karma and it’s effects on the world. I’m terrible trying to write a synopsis of a movie without giving the entire story away. I inevitably slips up and the spoilers come flying out. So, I’m going to say as little as I can about the plot because I don’t want to spoil this for you. Watch it, it’s included on PrimeVideo right now. Go, watch... do it, you should be sheltering in place what else do you have to do. Go...

A rich author and father of three died under suspicious circumstances and almost everyone had their own reason for wanting him dead. The daughter who took money from him to build her own business (Jaime Lee Curtis). Her husband that really had nothing of his own and was sort of just a hanger on (Don Johnson). Don Johnson is good in this film. I liked him. Their spoiled son (Chris Evans) who is pretty much the male version of Paris Hilton in her heyday. I can’t say enough about Evans here. I haven’t seen Evans do anything lately besides Captain America. However, if I put this performance together with him in Snowpiercer I gotta say the kid has skills. I like him in Push, loved him as “Cap”, but I think he is really a good actor. The youngest son (Michael Shannon) who thinks he is more important to the family business than he really is. His wife who appears to be clueless. Not the good clueless like in the movie Clueless. More the bad just doesn’t know what the fuck is going on in the world or around her clueless. There son (Jaedon Martell) who is young yuppie swine internet troll partially based on haters of The Last Jedi. This is the second movie I watched last weekend where Shannon and Martell play father and son and both of them are instant classics for me (see Midnight Special). The daughter-in-law of the deceased son (Toni Collette) who is a health industry guru. Collette looks so familiar but I couldn’t place her and still can’t. Their daughter (Katherine Langford) who is a college student. Last but certainly not least is the nurse (Ana de Armas). If you read my 2049 blog you know this women stole my heart a few months ago. She is so beautiful and a great actress. Once again she nails her performance. She stands toe to toe with a cast of household names and one ups them in my opinion. I’m not just saying that because once again you get to see her beautiful face and smile. No, really she does amazing in this movie. I’m excited to see her in future vehicles.

The suspicious death leads to an investigation by the police and a private dick. The lead for the police is played by LaKeith Stanfield, and his slow and slightly off partner is played by Noah Segan. These two are a great tag team. Stanfield grounded and smart, Segan as I said a little flighty. However, this is really Benoit Blanc’s (Daniel Craig) investigation. Craig is a delight. He has an over the top accent that makes you think your talking to the original Colonel from KFC. He seems a bit eccentric but you know he is driving a strong investigation and he is gonna get his perp. I’d only really know Craig from the Bond movies and to be honest it took me a while to get used to the blonde Bond. I still struggle with Casino Royale. Also, how does Bond not take Olga Kurylenko in Quantum of Solace? This to me is still one of the great mysterious of our time. Just like in Die Another Day who do you out Madonna in a Bond movie and Bond doesn’t hook up with her? Fuck explaining the Big Bang to me explain this? I digress. While I think de Armas a shinning star of this film, Craig’s Star is only slightly dimmer.

This is not your typical who done it. Although with the cast assembled that’s exactly what I figured it would be. This movie was filling engaging and an absolute joy ride from start to the finish. Buckle up and take the ride, I encourage you to do it especially with it being in Prime, you won’t be disappointed.


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