
Singularity (2017)
Directed by:  Robert Kouba
Starring: Jeannine Wacker, John Cusack, Julian Schaffer
Lead actress is smoking hot but in the movie they try to make her a cross between a walking dead wanna-a-be with her crossbow and a rebel fighter from the Clone Wars cartoon with her EMP grenades. I was rooting for this movie I wanted to like it and like the characters but I couldn’t. My first issue is a few minutes I learned the John Cusack was in it. Can’t stand the guy. He’s like America’s darling but I am not a fan. The only movie of his I recall really liking is The Raven, perhaps Hot Tub Time Machine as well. 

This story will really blow you away, wink, wink. So you have a world that is full of unrest. So a company making machines and robots tries to fix it. The try to end war with the machines. The machines create more violence. So the company or Cusack who sucks even playing the big bad, creates Kronos, the AI tool that will fix everything. Kronos is turned on and wait for it ... wait for it it...

Within two minutes of being on Kronos figures out the issue with the planet it is mankind. Hello: Skynet, Ultron, The Matriz and just about every other movie that has ever ended because of the machine uprising. So Kronos does what all other adaptions of the same story tries to do wipe out the humans, all of them. They’ve out lived there purpose, hi Automata is that you I’m watching? Kill the humans. 

So at this point we enter into Terminator Salvation without the epic rant from everyone’s favorite American Pyscho. If you don’t know the Christian Bale rant I speak of go google it and listen to it, it’s much better than this rehash. Handsome boy wakes up. Doesn’t know where he is. Runs into giant machine. Machine tries to kill him. Hot chick saves him. Boy is a human machine hybrid planted by the evil lord Cusack, which every time I write that I want to write ball-sack instead. 

Anyway the hybrid that doesn’t know he is a hybrid and the hot chick who is spitting terrible dialogue are off to the promised land. They have to avoid robots and bands of evil humans. What post apocalyptic tale would be complete without the human in human walking dead violence. I’d always hoped we would be better than that as people. That if there was something trying to wipe us all out we’d band together and not war on each other. Then again I’ve seen the videos of people fighting over TP so if I know anything. I know this we are all fucked. She finds out he is a robot. They save each other. So on and so forth and you don’t need me to tell you anymore because you can guess where it goes from there.

I like Jeannine Michelle Wacker as Calia. Her and the main character Andy are good together. They are both good looking people, young and fabulous. Is there chemistry maybe but I’ve never been a great judge of that. However the dialogue is flat, it’s like Lucas wrote it. The acting is stiff neither of these beautiful people really get into the part. I have a hard time believing they are ever in real danger or truly on the run from feared machine. They are sort of forced together and you are told everything you are supposed to feel. There is no real development of the plot. I am watching a movie but there is a voice over telling me what is happening and here it doesn’t work. 

I really wanted to like this movie. I’m a sucker for the plot line. Why else did I turn it on when the preview pretty much tells you high we are ripping off all the other robots kill human movies. Unfortunately, I didn’t like the movie. I might be in loved with Jeannine now and trying to cyber stalk her but other than that I got little value from the movie. However, not even her hotness is worth the watch. 

Another thing that really bugged me is the name of the movie. When I think a Singularity I think of a black hole or some cosmic event linked to a black hole. You know smart people in sci-fi movies talking about a black hole and the singularity and then you are like I thought it was just a big whole that sucks everything in, but now there is all this fancy science around it. Well I had to google singularity to figure out why a movie with. I black whole was named for a comic event and I’ll be damned if the the point of the movie isn’t in what I found. 

Definition of Technological Singularity: predicted future event which envisions AI smarter than man, that’s the ultimate and only outcomes fan ever increasing ability of new technology to speed up the rate at which new technology is developed. 

So I’m assuming this is what they were trying to say in this movie. Machines smart l, man in way, get ride of man and let machine take over. Anyway anytime you have to google a movie to understand a movie or a title of a movie then the directors have failed you. This whole thing other than Jeannine is an epic fail.

Rating: Not Good
Assessment: Hard Pass


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