Sci-fried? Not even close!!

Sci-fried? Not even close!! I used to look forward to the weeks purely so I could sleep in and refresh from the week. However, now I long for them so I can escape on another Sci-fi adventure. I still get plenty of time outside, Kona allow it to be any other way. I cannot even begin to tell you how many I have watched since I kicked this off about a month ago. I just know each day I dream about being able to do nothing but get lost in another adventure on Netflix, well normally Netflix every now and again I branch out to Amazon. Every time I think I am done digging up a new adventure I find even more to go on. I just put 8 more in the queue yesterday during breakfast. The truth is I watched so many that I cannot even remember what I watched this weekend. I also know I am way behind in writing reviews and I will probably never catch up. I am going to try and recount the movies I have watched this weekend alone: Friday 4/17 Extinction Mute Saturday 4/18 ...