Triathletes Journal: 61 Days to Race Day

I would be lying to you if I didn't tell you I am getting nervous about Lavaman.  I can't say this on my webpage or to other people but i am just straight up scared.  My left hip and groin is a train wreck.  As of 2/3/2020  I would walk a half mile in 20 minutes.  I want to say it is all b/c of my hip and groin but lets not forget I am pretty heavy and it just come easy.  I have been walking and working out, but it is a up hill battle.  Part of me wants to just say fuck it and walk away.  However,  that would be letting myself down.  Not to mention all those people I got to donate to my TNT initiative.  In 61 one days I have no doubt I can swim the mile.  It is really the walk that I fear.  My body is just shot.  I did a ten minute walk today and i had to take baby steps b/c of the pain in my lower back.  Yes, the PT is helping but is it going to be enough.  Then I get started on myself saying you know it is your weight that is leading to this and it is the real issue as to why you can't walk.  Then I get frustrated and want to scream and yell.  Part of me wants to go on a diet really bad and just cut everything out. I know that won't work.  Not for me.  Every time I restrict it leads to more and more binging.  Fuck now we are really going off topic now.  I know I am better with my eating.  I have been trying to lower my sodium in take and dine out less.  However, the scale is going in the wrong direction.  Fuck.  It is all falling apart or at least it feels that way.

My goal here is to start keeping a journal about my training and about what I need to do, how I am feeling and etc... I am going to be positive going into this and do the best I can.  After all my goal was to raise the money for a cause I believed in for my Mom.  If I finish or die trying at least I mad a difference, someone will be able to use that money some day to live cancer free.  Remember we just have to keep things in perspective. 

9 weeks till Race day

Here is a nice plan to be able to swim a mile in 6 weeks:  I can do this

Now i need to find one for walking!!!


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