Triathletes Journal: 60 Days to Race Day

It started last night before dinner.  This sudden pain in my tummy.  It felt like someone was digging in with claws and scraping my insides.  Me being me weathered the storm and put down a nice strip steak as well as some spinach and mushrooms with garlic and bacon.  It was a nice saute I made.  However, when I went to bed the claws were back and making life uncomfortable.  I tried to go, but it didn't really help. 

When I woke up this a.m. my stomach was still hurting.  That is when frustration started to sit in.  So when Clayton showed up this a.m. I was angry.  I didn't want to work out and felt defeated.  If it isn't the back and the hip then it is the stomach.  When am I ever going to be able to put this all together? 

So, Clayton spent the first 30 minutes of our session talking about food and adding good stuff into the diet.  Not focusing on eliminating everything.  Talked about eating foods that are more of a rainbow in color and that have density.  I told him how i really just wanted to make a lunch like a little kid would have.  A PBJ, a bag of chips, maybe a pudding snack, carrots, and maybe something with fruit or green.  How, a lot of times my lunches were made with restriction in mind.  I had a Mom who had an unhealthy relationship with her food, and a son that she was afraid would follow in her footsteps.  However, I sometimes wonder if it would have been better to let me find my own way.  Let me find out when I was hungry.  The last two weeks or so i have been packing my lunch.  A low fat tortilla easy on carbs, low sodium turkey, a slice of cheese some mustard, then some carrots sometimes with dip and sometimes without dip.   Maybe some apples.  Also some days I would take a peanut better, and apple wrap.  still with carrots, maybe some low sodium chips.  Makes me feel like I am eating what I want and not some diet or restrictive plan.  Makes me feel normal.  Then I have utilized the healthy snacks at work the low fat yogurt and the unsalted nuts.  I feel like steps forward are being made.  I have only dined out a handful of nights over the last three weeks. 

Anyway after we talked, we leashed up the Kona and went for a walk.  .6 miles today, the hip was tight.   So we stopped and did some exercises and got it stretched out.  Then we walked on.  It was a nice walk.  It felt good.  My stomach felt good. 

Today has been a good day.  We have good days and bad days but today is a good one.  I am excited because tomorrow I am going back at the pool and the LAP POOL is back open!!!  YAY!  I am going to give it my all and really try and get to the finish line.  I am excited today, today is a good day!!!


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