Triathletes Journal: 54 Days until Race Day

Me and the other water buffalo :)

6 days in a row I have been working out.  That is like a super huge win for me!  Honestly, it has been a long time since I have put together consistency like that.  I am tired, but it is a good tired and I feel good.  I think a little of it is panicking about the race coming up in 54 days, but I think mainly it feels good to move.  I mean it feel really good to move.

Friday (59 Days until Race Day) - Started the work out off in the therapy pool.  Me and the water buffaloes, that is what the swim team I last swam list always called the old people doing water aerobics.   It is mean, and not cool, but old habits die hard.  I belong with those ladies they work out at my pace.  They are super nice and cool and have taken kindly to me coming into there space and doing my thing in there.  The PT work I think is helping. I have felt stronger on my walks the last few days.  .  1,000 yard swim.  All freestyle and all different lengths of the pool and breathing patterns.  It was tough it was my first day back in the 25 yard pool since it re-opened.  Overall felt good.  Was dead at the end.

Saturday (58 Days until Race Day) - Swam a 900 with drills for 400, then 4 x 100 free, and 100 cool down followed by more water buffaloing in the therapy pool

Sunday (57 Days until Race Day) - Swam a 600 the PB&J work out.  We are talking 6 x 25 free, then 3 x 100 IM's, followed by 6 x 25 free.  Then another 25 minutes in the therapy pool really working the the PT exercises and focusing on the movement. 

Monday (56 Days until Race Day) - 45 minutes in the therapy pool.  5 minutes walking, 5 minutes side stepping, 5 minutes running in place and then legs lifts, squats, stretches, everything you can think of, I stretched in there. 

Tuesday (55 Days until Race Day) - .7 miles walk, stretches, PT exercises, back exercise, and wall pushups.

Wednesday (54 Days until Race Day) - .65 mile walk.  PT Exercises (Squats, hip extensions, leg lifts, snake, more squats, umpire stretch), bench press and back work.  Followed by some on my own toe raises =)

Been a busy few days!!!


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