Triathletes Journal: 49 Days until Race Day

Monday (49 Days until Race Day):  Believe it or not I couldn't easily find one picture of the Father of our Country or Honest Abe swimming.  I would think some where there would be a presidents day sale for spa's or a pool that would have Abe or George jumping in a pool with some floaties or a raft. Not that this guy could find, now I didn't look extensively and I did basic google searches, but I did enough to be able to say at least I tried.  Also, with 1200 there isn't a lot that comes up for pictures.  There are a lot of motor bikes, but I am not a motor biker so it is really meaningless to me.  So, I will with with the 1200 for today.

Why a 1200?  Because I swam a 1200 today.  However, before I get to that I think I should be very proud to say, I actually took the day off.  What?  Yes it was a holiday, but I actually did no work.  What?  Isn't it year end?  Yes it is and I didn't work.  I didn't just sit on my ass and watch TV either.  One hour tonight, that is all I gave myself, really 44 minutes (2 episodes of the Simpsons).  While, this very much confuses Kona, it is right in line with my expectations.  It is 7:49 p.m. and I am in my office typing away on my latest blog entry and who knows what else I will get up to after I write this.

Anyway after dropping the Kona off at day care today.  I came home and had some peanut butter toast and then got busy.  I organized the kitchen table, the coffee table, and put up Kona's new bed for the office, complete with fleece blanket.  However, other than a funny video of Kona trying to get the bed ready for sleep, and spending all of 2 minutes on it, she is peacefully resting on the floor next to me.  I think the move off the couch might a little bit to much for her.  then I finished the laundry and got my stuff ready for the pool.

I tried a new routine today, one that was supposed to focus on my endurance.  It was a 1200 hence the picture above and me talking about the 1200.  It went like this:

- 200 warm up free
- 200 breath every four strokes, and no breaths the last four strokes heading into the wall (HARD FOR ME)
- 4 x 100 - no breathes going into the wall the last four strokes, still HARD for me, 15 sec rest between each set
- 4 x 50 - Breast stroke - 15 second rest
- 1 x 200 easy cool down

I really struggle with trying to changing my breathing cadence going into the walls.  If I natural go into the wall on four strokes or three strokes without a breath, no big deal, if I focus on it, and try not to do it, all hell breaks loose.  48 minutes to swim the 1200.  It literally might take me a month to swim the mile in Kona.   Average pace did get slightly better per 100 yards so that is the positive I am taking away from it.  That and generally I felt pretty good doing it.  Although, I might have to switch goggles and if so I am going to be pissed since they accidentally sent me 12 pairs of them.  I thought I was set for a while =)

After the swim, I went to the therapy pool and did 25 minutes of PT exercises before I had to run to my appointment.  Hip feels tight even in the water, I have to go back and see Katie the Fish (my PT, don't ask) and see if I am doing something wrong.  I mean most of the time I feel pretty good, but the last three nights my back has been killing me and I wake up and have to take meds to get back to sleep and that is never fun.


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