When you are on your own...

Friday 9/6/19

After Thursday I needed a work out on Friday.  Thursday was shitty.  Just shitty.  There are always things at work just made it that.  I won't go into it but anger was at an all time high.  So, I needed the workout badly on Friday.

The last week and a half I have been working out with Clayton.  He is a trainer and he comes to my house and he is helping me get up and off the couch.  The goal is to make moving in my every day life easier.  I want to be able to get up and off the couch without pain.  I want to get up and move around without getting winded.  I want to be able to move to help me live. 

I am working on things in the kitchen.  I know that I can't out workout my fork.  I know that working out won't make me thin.  I had a couple of huge break throughs this week.  Coming up with different ways to beat the urge to get ice-cream was one. Order less food on a trip through the drive thru.  However, long way to go.  You don't change 40 years of bad habits overnight. 

When I got up Friday I got a message from Clayton that he was sick, so workout canceled.  My instinct was to go back to bed.  Get another 40 minutes of sleep.  I wanted to get back in bed.  Everything told me to go to bed. 

I didn't go back to bed.  I needed a work out for my own sanity like I said before.  So, I got Kona up and took her to the living room.  I got her collared up and leashed.  Then we went to work. 

- We walked to the end of the road and back,
- We came home and did some squats (Getting up and down off the couch slowly)
-  I followed this up with some small arm circles
- Then did small arm circles backwards
- Then large arm circles forward
- Then large arm circles backwards
- shoulder rolls forward
- shoulder rolls backwards
- Arm Curls
- Military press
- More squats

Then we did it again

- We walked to the end of the road and back,
- We came home and did some squats (Getting up and down off the couch slowly)
-  I followed this up with some small arm circles
- Then did small arm circles backwards
- Then large arm circles forward
- Then large arm circles backwards
- shoulder rolls forward
- shoulder rolls backwards
- Arm Curls
- Military press
- More squats

By the time we finished we had been moving for 30 minutes and it was good!!! I was pumped, I haven't got out and done a workout on my own in a long time.

Saturday 9/7/19

Today i kept my moving up, especially after another stressful day at work I ended up eating BK last night.  I did pay attention to what I ate... BK onion rings suck.. you don't need more than whopper patty.  I took it out and gave it to Kona.  I ate to much. 

I have to get better at checking my blood sugar.  I always forget to do it.  I did some shopping today and have my meals planned for the week. 

Oops lost my place... stupid news

anyway I walked with Kona for 10 minutes today until my back couldn't take it anymore.

Then I spent 5 minutes doing stretching, squats, arm circles, and shoulder rolls, stretching my neck, etc...

Then there was another 10 minutes in the back yard with Kona until the back started to hurt again. 

So getting my movement in... Then I cleaned out the fridge... now it is time for Texas and LSU, I have always been  sucker for college football. 


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